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Trades Union C****

Autonomist | 07.09.2011 23:56 | Health | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

TUC gets it dreadfully wrong!

Unison union had called for a candle lit vigil wednesday 7th outside parliament at 9pm.
Many had mentioned that this seemed like a surrender by Unison. A relative of mine, a unison rep had no knowledge of the bill or the vigil, so obviously a lack of communication. The TUC admitted last night that they had got the time wrong!! These are people who are very well paid to do a job protecting members intrest. Obviously, these parasites are not competent to do the job. We need to orginise in our workplaces to fight and protect our jobs as it seems obvious to me that our so called leaders are not willing or are they able to lead!



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Grow up

08.09.2011 09:02

So when "Autonomist" organised political and workplace campaigns, they never made ANY mistakes, ever, and can absolutely promise that they never will make any mistakes in the future either?

Yes yesterday's demo was badly organised, but no autonomous alternative was organised at all

Sky Blue

sky blue missing the point

08.09.2011 09:30

I feel that you`re missing the pint Sky Blue. These people at the TUC are paid, paid by union members. Are you aware that Unison are victimising activsts who try to orginise. I think it`s disgusting that such a small error can occur by people who are paid & have the time to orginise. Autonomists can`t orginise anything? Really, what happened in the west end on march 26th? Autnomist actions got more coverage than the TUC A to B march and rally of the usual millionaire dinsaurs from the labour movement, people who pontificate to the working classes but who have never one a days work in their life. Oh yeah, the august uprisings, weren`t they autonomist? Where are the unions, what are they doing? This is time for action!! What are you doing?
