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EDL Muster Points Moved to KINGS CROSS

Chimney Sweep | 02.09.2011 10:08 | Anti-racism | Culture | Workers' Movements

EDL Muster Points Moved to KINGS CROSS

The campaign to get the EDL barred from the pubs in Euston worked. They've now moved up the Road to Kings Cross. This is from the EDL Facebook page -

"Tower Hamlets update

Leadership are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this is causing but muster points and parking has now changed. EDL members travelling by Coach/Minibus are to be dropped off at Kings Cross, the coach/minibus must then proceed to Southwark Bridge where the Police are making arrangements for parking on the Bridge. Link below for Southwark Bridge, which includes a map of where it is located:-

The Public Houses will be as follows:-

Flying Scotsman
4 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DU

The Dun A Ri
19 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX

The Driver
2-4 Wharfdale Road
N1 9RY"

Get onto these pubs' management SHARPISH please - BE POLITE

Chimney Sweep


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Pub phone numbers and e-mails

02.09.2011 10:19

Flying Scotsman - 0207 837 8271
4 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DU

The Dun A Ri - 0207 837 4863 ‎
19 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX

The Driver - 0207 278 8827,,,, l.lutostanska@blondeproductions
2 Wharfdale Road
London N1 9RY




02.09.2011 10:30


Which brewery/chain?

02.09.2011 12:22

Who are the pubs owned by?


Apparently the Dun A Ri has changed its name to MILLERS

02.09.2011 13:40

Apparently the Dun A Ri has changed its name to MILLERS

19 Caledonian Road
King's Cross
London N1 9DX
020 7837 4863


what year is it

02.09.2011 15:03

same photos of swansea c18 taken in 2009, points to ukfightback/neil lees, all those muppets in the photos were expelled last year. epic fail

dick terrapin

The Euston pubs

02.09.2011 15:31

The two original meet points were the Euston Flyer and O'Neills, both in Euston. The Euston Flyer was contacted and notified of EDL plans and as a result has chosen not to open tomorrow. Full respect and worth noting that emailing muster points is working. While the up-to-date muster points must obviously be prioritised, it's definitely worth still getting in touch with O'Neills through owners Mitchell & Butler and generally spreading the word through the east end.

"Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your recent email.

The situation regarding the English defence league’s recent announcement has been investigated and as a result we will not be opening tomorrow.

Alex Stupple
Euston Flyer"


O Neills Euston also banning EDL...

02.09.2011 16:07

"We have become aware that our pub is intended to be a meeting place for a planned march tomorrow.

Our primary concern is operating safe premises at all times for our staff, customers and the wider general public. We’d therefore like to be clear that as a precautionary measure we will not permit the pub to be used as a meeting place ahead of tomorrow’s march.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to take Police advice in order to take the appropriate course of action as required. If there is any reason to close the pub then we will not hesitate to do so."

So that's both the original meet points, just need the Kings Cross ones to follow suit now.


Call me stupid....

02.09.2011 17:09

Call me stupid, but if these self appointed 'defenders of the realm' (or, as they may spell it - divenders of the relm) are anti 'muslamification' but swear not to be racists or nazis, why do they tend to salute like nazis did, have swastikas स्वस्तिक ( which is ancient Indian in origin) tatooed all over their obese bodies and put nasty posts on the web sites about anyone a little bit different (ie-people who dont have a shit job, ugly peroxide wife/sister/kids, believer in everything tabloid, love x factor, regularly knocking one out over danny dyer) to their sad selves...?
Hmmm-I wonder...perhaps they are'nt being completely truthful?

See you on the streets tomorrow edl, really cannae wait.

mat kavanagh

julia pendry in charge of cops tomorrow

02.09.2011 17:18

julia pendry looks to be in charge of cop movements tomorrow. she was in charge of policing the recent student riots in london where horses charged dense crowds. she's been policing climate camp since blackheath.

she's a smart one - knows how to make people think the cops are onside and friendly but at the drop of a hat she'll order them in to beat your brains out. be warned she has a long history of dragging you in with friendly community policing and then sending in the troops.


Another victory

03.09.2011 08:18

According to the UAF website, the Flying Scotsman, Millers / Dun A Ri and Driver have ALL said they won’t be hosting the EDL and will open later in the afternoon instead


Big thank you to all the pubs concerned

03.09.2011 08:53

Big thank you to all the pubs in KX, Euston who close today