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EDL Tower Hamlets Update

Table Top | 01.09.2011 23:37 | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

EDL Tower Hamlets Update

1. As of midnight on Thursday, EDL Bradford, Hull and Rochdale divisions are struggling to fill their coaches for Saturday (which sounds promising but the EDL turn-out could still be high), scroll down through their Facebook page to read the relevant comments...

2. EDL's Facebook is instructing their supporters to muster in Euston, from where it says they'll be escorted to Tower Hamlets by the police...

Quote: "Please muster at the following public houses
The Euston Flyer, 83-87 Euston Road, London, NW1 2RA
O'Neills, 73-77, Euston Rd, London, NW1 2QS
At 2pm we will make our way to the demo point so if you are not at one of the above you won’t be going... Once we have gathered at the muster point we will then be escorted by police, in groups of 200-300, to Tower Hamlets and the site of the static demonstration. However, we have today received a warning from the police that until we reach the demonstration site, we will not be allowed to raise our flags or banners, and that anyone doing so will be removed from the area."
3. Can't say for sure if what the EDL say on Facebook is or isn't true and/or plans won't change, but anti-fascists should put scouts in Euston to report back to the main counter-protest in Whitechapel, also possible some EDL will muster elsewhere as well. Anti-fascist counter-protestors should stay alert, stay mobile and keep looking over your shoulders ALL the time - at the first sign of attempted kettling move briskly away from the police, and use cameras conspicuously to film police ID numbers and discourage police violence. Finally for anyone who thinks the march ban is restricting EDL's free speech 1/ they'll be marching from Euston to Tower Hamlets anyway so the "ban" is a joke, 2/ even on a static protest the EDL are still free (at least within race relations law) to say whatever they damn well like, so if certain people could stop whining about this that'd be appreciated ;)

Fuck Islamo-Fascism and Fuck the EDL

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Pub details

01.09.2011 23:55

We are asking supporters to flood both pubs with complaints and urge them not to host the EDL. But we would ask you to be POLITE, as it’s not the fault of the pub staff that racists and fascists want to drink there.

Contact O’Neills
Manager: Damian O’Meara – Tel: 0207 380 0464

Contact the Euston Flyer
Licensee: Alex Stupple – Tel: 020 7383 0856 Email:

Pub Genius

Complain to Mitchells & Butlers

02.09.2011 02:46

O'Neills is part of the Mitchells and Butlers corporation, which owns dozens of well known pub brands like Harvester, Vintage Inns and Toby Carvery.

Website contact:


Complain to this address, rather than the manager whose hands will be tied, about the EDL using their pubs, and cite wetherspoons as an example of a pub chain that refuses entry to the EDL.

On the other hand, its looking more and more like this whole thing is going to be a mess. Coaches cancelled through lack of interest in Stoke, Middlesborough and Liverpool. EDL begging members in west yorkshire, with no avail, to fill up coaches in in Dewsbury, Huddersfield and Bradford. A lot of whining about keyboard warriors and a realisation that what they are getting into will probably not end well.

Delroy Booth.

Delroy Booth
- Homepage:!/delroybooth

Travel Safety

02.09.2011 05:33

Of course, should you smell smoke on an underground station you should push TWO seperate fire alarm points, as in the interests of safety the station must close and evacuate until the fire brigade come and investigate / give the all clear.

No pasaran!

Mat Kavanagh rue



02.09.2011 09:57

It seems the campaign to get the EDL barred from the pubs in Euston worked. This is from the EDL Facebook page -

"Tower Hamlets update

Leadership are extremely sorry for any inconvenience that this is causing but muster points and parking has now changed. EDL members travelling by Coach/Minibus are to be dropped off at Kings Cross, the coach/minibus must then proceed to Southwark Bridge where the Police are making arrangements for parking on the Bridge. Link below for Southwark Bridge, which includes a map of where it is located:-

The Public Houses will be as follows:-

Flying Scotsman
4 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DU

The Dun A Ri
19 Caledonian Road
London N1 9DX

The Driver
2-4 Wharfdale Road
N1 9RY"

Get onto these pubs' management SHARPISH please

Green Hornet

Euston Flyer shuts its doors to EDL

02.09.2011 15:23

Response from Euston Flyer:


Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for your recent email.

The situation regarding the English defence league’s recent announcement has been investigated and as a result we will not be opening tomorrow.

Alex Stupple
Euston Flyer


Fantastic response, full respect to them. I'll be sure to go in and drink in there when I'm in the area from now on.


O Neills Euston also banning EDL...

02.09.2011 16:08

"We have become aware that our pub is intended to be a meeting place for a planned march tomorrow.

Our primary concern is operating safe premises at all times for our staff, customers and the wider general public. We’d therefore like to be clear that as a precautionary measure we will not permit the pub to be used as a meeting place ahead of tomorrow’s march.

We are closely monitoring the situation and will continue to take Police advice in order to take the appropriate course of action as required. If there is any reason to close the pub then we will not hesitate to do so."

So that's both the original Euston pubs. Just need the Kings Cross ones to do the same :)


julia pendry in charge of cops tomorrow

02.09.2011 17:18

julia pendry looks to be in charge of cop movements tomorrow. she was in charge of policing the recent student riots in london where horses charged dense crowds. she's been policing climate camp since blackheath.

she's a smart one - knows how to make people think the cops are onside and friendly but at the drop of a hat she'll order them in to beat your brains out. be warned she has a long history of dragging you in with friendly community policing and then sending in the troops.
