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ASS needs you!

friend of the ASS | 01.09.2011 01:05

The Advisory Service for Squatters releases its first newsletter... and wants your help!

The hardworking bunch at the Advisory Service for Squatters have just released their annual report in the form of a newsletter.

Its full of as much information, juicy gossip and as many requests for help that you can fit on two sides of A4!

have a look here!:

There are articles on the consultation papers, undercover infiltrators and the ASS's opinion on an ex-member's new anti-squat company.

They are also asking for assistance! ASS currently need volunteers for office shifts, volunteers for tasks outside the office and CASH!!!

If you can help with:

volunteering to do some time in the office
putting on a benefit gig/cafe/cinema etc
translation (documents to print or communications)

...or in any other way you can think of then drop us a line at

Please distribute!!

Final for printing (3MB):

friend of the ASS
- e-mail:


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better to name and shame, no?

01.09.2011 08:43

nice one for this, sisters and brothers!
would have been better if you named and shamed Katharine Hibbert, the scum posh girl (has anyone ever met someone who sounds more like a toff!!) who used her experiences of squatting to write her shitty book about being down and out in london and then to started her own anti squat company. i know that there are a lot of angry people out there.

her photo can be seen here: (check out the cambridge educated toff trying to look 'street' next to the shit graffiti)


Reclaim Hackney

01.09.2011 14:28

Not be the first ( nor the last I dare say ) rich fuckwit to come to London to do a bit of volunteering with a radical or housing/arts/ envrionmental/social justice group to further their career / do their pesudoscorner phd / finishing school / pretending to be homeless crap. There's still a fuck of a lot of them swanning round. Poverty pimp mutherfuckas looking for their next grant/publishing deal/NGO exec positon while doing good to thje poor people they stick their noses up at ( when they are not swanning around the African continent on patronising bullshit arts projects )...etc..
