Ethnic cleansing and genocide of indigenous tribes continuing apace
Witness HR | 30.08.2011 16:56 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles | Cambridge | World
While the Brazil government makes as if it is protecting the human rights indigenous peoples of the Amazon, for loggers and mining companies it's business as usual.
Discoveries of indigenous tribes in Latin America seem to go hand in hand with their extinction, whether by disease or by design.
As developers and loggers go ever deeper into the rain forest there is usually a small window of time to protect discovered tribes from the near inevitable massacres and ethnic cleansing by land hungry peasants, loggers and resource hungry mining companies. Often latin american governments work hand in hand with the developers whilst simultaneously declaring out loud to NGO's and the UN about the efforts they are making to defend indigenous peoples' rights.
The schemes put in place to protect them usually involve removing the tribes or too enclose them in ever decreasing reservations that lead inevitably over the long term to the disappearence of their cultural identity and community cohesion even when they are not actually wiped out physically. Even the most hard nosed regimes in latin america try nowadays to avoid outright extinction of tribes but whilst ensuring their eventual destruction prefer to use tried and tested methods of misleading propaganda, obfuscation, intimidation and murder of tribal human rights defenders to make the world think that something is actually being done to help the threatened tribes.
ctd at:
As developers and loggers go ever deeper into the rain forest there is usually a small window of time to protect discovered tribes from the near inevitable massacres and ethnic cleansing by land hungry peasants, loggers and resource hungry mining companies. Often latin american governments work hand in hand with the developers whilst simultaneously declaring out loud to NGO's and the UN about the efforts they are making to defend indigenous peoples' rights.
The schemes put in place to protect them usually involve removing the tribes or too enclose them in ever decreasing reservations that lead inevitably over the long term to the disappearence of their cultural identity and community cohesion even when they are not actually wiped out physically. Even the most hard nosed regimes in latin america try nowadays to avoid outright extinction of tribes but whilst ensuring their eventual destruction prefer to use tried and tested methods of misleading propaganda, obfuscation, intimidation and murder of tribal human rights defenders to make the world think that something is actually being done to help the threatened tribes.
ctd at:
Witness HR
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ethnic cleansing in britain
30.08.2011 19:24
uk can`t fight back
History Repeating...
31.08.2011 22:19
In other words, this land on the edge of Eurasia has ALWAYS been a destination for visitors and immigrants, including all those ancient 'native british' whom have the paler skins, because they spent the last few tens of thousands of years living amongst the colder climes of the European forests before ending up in Albion, aka Britain.
As for what is happening in the Brazilian rainforest, well, it all looks like history repeating itself to me, as exactly the same torture was inflicted by European colonists upon the Native Americans.
It would seem that some folk never learn from history, do they?
British Resident
@British Resident
31.08.2011 22:55
Looking back in time and going "oh well, thats how it is." is a bit sad to be honest.
What we don't need in this country is "no-go" areas for white people which seems to be the case at the moment. I advise any visitors to where i live that if they suddenly enter an area where they are the only white person there, to leave immediately. This is a sad case of affairs but is true.
I think this is what the first commenter is driving at.
If you think you can compare...
01.09.2011 09:22
Personally I think we deserve a bit of KARMA for colonialism, right? Can't stand the sight of a few black faces? I've lived in Peckham, weren't many white folk around but I never got mugged, also been beaten up by drunk white kids on a fair few occasions. I would wager that their parents believed in similar nationalistic ideals.
Actually, I am a nationalist - a cultural nationalist. The destruction of the culture of the INDIGENOUS CELTIC PEOPLES is the destruction of everything that makes life worth living. Just the same, by destroying those who are not part of the empire, who have not chosen the way of 'mastering and ruling over nature', we destroy that which is human for the benefit of a vast machine.
The real issue
01.09.2011 11:48
Humans share 60% of their dna with the humble lettuce ... should demonstrate the idiocy of divisions based on genetics.
Genetics as manifest destiny is nazism is zionism is the rape of the world by those who believe that they have the supreme right through divine support to exploit and destroy the unworthy.
British culture at its best is worth defending, it is neither white nor black ... and damn those who would seek to gain a foothold on the greasy pole to power who say otherwise.
ooh, some proper racists!
01.09.2011 13:08
Native British/no-go areas!!! It's all in your tiny heads, ideas to cover up your own inadequacies. Relax, think a bit, (change your ideas drastically), and you'll find friends in all places. Until then, fuck off and die.
you are scum
STOP UK Ethnic cleansing in Essex today
05.09.2011 07:45
Paul Bright
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