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New anti-fascist group formed

3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance | 26.08.2011 20:28 | Anti-racism

3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance is a new initiative in the Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire area.

We exist to confront fascist activity and organisation wherever it may occur within our region.

You can view our founding statement here -

3 Counties Anti-Fascist Alliance
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


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Nice one but...

27.08.2011 09:36

Good to hear about antifascist activity blooming. However, I recommend that you get yourselves a network 23 blog instead of wordpress. Wordpress is a corporate site and logs IP addresses of users. Network 23 is activist run, doesn't log IPs and doesn't cave when the cops ring up without a warrant.


confusing name

27.08.2011 22:56

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't know what the "three counties" were and had to look it up:
It might be familiar to people living in the area but to people on the internet they won't have a clue where you are.


NWI Nazis

30.08.2011 12:32

These are some of the NWI who split from EDL as EDL not racist enough for them


NWI Nazis

30.08.2011 12:45

The bloke on the right at the front is Ste Latimer hes snowys second in command they aint edl now they more like c18


you people

30.08.2011 14:12

See idiots like these are easy to monitor as they stupidly put everything they do and all their pics on facebook and several of the breakaway groups feed us info all the time.

The other side is the casuals united lot they operate mainly off the internet and are growing at an alarming rate. almost impossible to infiltrate them as they will not allow anyone in unless they are known and the slightest mistrust and they will remove you.

While you concentrate of these who are obvious decoys the casuals grow in number google casuals united blogs they are springing up all over the place they hold meeting all over the place which are organised by text and phone and can supposedly pull 500 people onto the streets at a weeks notice

i fear that we as antifascists are thinking we are one step ahead as we screenshott a load of jibber jabber on facebook while off the radar they are growing untouched by our activities

Nazi hunter

Yeh you keep screenying mugs on facebook

30.08.2011 14:22

While we get on with the job, unbothered by you fools

Toby Jug

Nice to see people keeping an eye open...

30.08.2011 15:31

But the 'North West Infidels' and illiterate Casuals United blogs have nothing to do with the original post or 3CAFA. Pass any information to relevant groups, put it on yer blog or do whatever else you see fit...

Antifash: Cheers for that, it has been taken on board.

Anon: That's why we've put the said three counties (Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and Worcestershire), on the top of our blog, in our Founding Statement, on here etc. Couldn't be clearer really.
