some more thoughts about the recent disturbances (jeanne) | 24.08.2011 22:55 | London
informing/ incriminating and second world war
Just a few thoughts on the recent disturbances: I was in France and my parents were trying to understand the sun’s heading “ shop a moron” printed without translation. My mother knew of the concept of shopping and I soon established that moron was a swear word /insulting but couldn’t find the word for shop talked about delation/informing, incriminating and then my dad retranslated the caption as morons are informants. Its important to know that delation as a word is related to what French people did during the German occupation and this led to very terrible consequences for people who died in concentration camps and despite how racist French are this kind of thing is not on- eg neighbourhood watch is not happening ther is no confidential numbers appearing on busses etc- just because of history. I think it would be worth reflecting on this a little more on this side of the Channel. I recall a friend of my sister visiting London about 20 years ago and being shocked by the confidential police line: Reminding her about Jews and concentration camps. Another paper commented on the concept of delation/ informing but appears at first glance to confuse things saying ECDL some English facist group is prone on informing on the participants of the recent disturbances.
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