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Huntington Lane Coal Site under eviction!

Barbie | 19.08.2011 12:41 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Birmingham

Urgent Eviction call out for Huntington Lane Anti Open Cast Coal site in Telford, Shropshire


The national eviction team came onto site this morning and escorted support crew off and are busily taking down ground structures. Unfortunately the police helicopter drew a low headcount last night so bailiffs decided to move in, with not enough numbers to occupy all the defenses, protesters are concentrating their efforts on the tunnels, with 1 man up the biggest tower.

Supporters come to 4 East View, Waters Upton, Telford or call 07580477901.

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UPDATE: Site has been evicted

30.08.2011 22:28

As the article says the eviction team waited until numbers at the camp were low and took the camp by surprise in the morning. Low numbers has been a major problem at the camp right from the beginning, on the day of the eviction there were only 5 people on site. The site had built up a fairly impressive amount of defences (18 months worth) but no one was willing to occupy these positions. In the end the 5 people on site when the eviction came didn't want to be arrested so left quietly with their hands in the air and decided not to put up any resistance.

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19.08.2011 18:57

Solidarity from Lanarkshire's coal fields! Give the bastards hell.

Martin Leyshon
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21.08.2011 12:22

Aren't there any new informations about the eviction? Keep fighting...

reclaim the opencast