EDL's Alan Harper Exposed
EDL News | 14.08.2011 17:03 | Anti-racism | Liverpool
Far right English Defence League member, Alan Harper's real identity has been exposed.
Dave Wood, professional photographer is EDL member Alan Harper. He is married to a Filipino, has three grown up sons, one of which is a student. Harper has also been donating money to the organisation.
Dave Wood, professional photographer is EDL member Alan Harper. He is married to a Filipino, has three grown up sons, one of which is a student. Harper has also been donating money to the organisation.
Far right English Defence League member, Alan Harper's real identity has been exposed.
Dave Wood, professional photographer is EDL member Alan Harper. He is married to a Filipino, has three grown up sons, one of which is a student. Harper has also been donating money to the organisation.
He has instant access to a lot of other photographers, one of whom has been threatened by the far right group and it is thought that Wood passed his details to the EDL.
Yesterday two photographers were threatened at their Telford demonstration and had to be helped from the crowd by the police.
It is also thought that Harper may have secured leader Stephen Yaxley Lennon's access to Home Secretary, Theresa May when he doorstepped her after a constituency meeting in June.
He is able, as Dave Wood, to photograph MP's, get close to Anjem Choudary to photograph him, and no doubt has a lot of telephone numbers/email addresses for a lot of prominent MP's. He is dangerous as he is putting people at risk.
We can show a screenshot of Harper posting the direct email and phone number for Theresa May - has he obtained this by being Dave Wood? He could be breaking the Data Protection Act. This Flickr account contains many photos of prominent MPs
EDL News associates have been investigating harper/Wood sinces April and have compiled the following screenshots to prove the link.
Alan Harper's Facebook Account linked to his Flickr account
Is it still a massive coincidence that EDL member Alan harper's @exposeuaf Twitter acccount is linked to Dave Wood's Flickr photos?
Coincidence for the third time?
There is definately a pattern emerging here
ELD member Alan Harper claimed he photographed the soldiers along the route of the Blackburn homecoming parade. look what set of photos appear.
This racist comment appeared on his Twitter account
Alan Harper appears to have direct access to Theresa May and encourages fellow members to call her on her private number. How did that happen?
Various tweets about MPs from Alan Harper/Dave Wood's Twittter account
Some page's full of Harper's racism and some comment from right wing extremist Roberta Moore
Some photos of a coach trip to a demo, not included in harper's Flickr account
Some photos of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll who arranged a meeting in Borehamwood
Alan Harper aka Dave Wood is very close to English Defence League leadership.
Harper providing information on other photographers
Wood was confronted with this evidence two weeks ago when we Tweeted him the screenshots. He immediately blocked our Twitter account and refused to comment.
Dave Wood, professional photographer is EDL member Alan Harper. He is married to a Filipino, has three grown up sons, one of which is a student. Harper has also been donating money to the organisation.
He has instant access to a lot of other photographers, one of whom has been threatened by the far right group and it is thought that Wood passed his details to the EDL.
Yesterday two photographers were threatened at their Telford demonstration and had to be helped from the crowd by the police.
It is also thought that Harper may have secured leader Stephen Yaxley Lennon's access to Home Secretary, Theresa May when he doorstepped her after a constituency meeting in June.
He is able, as Dave Wood, to photograph MP's, get close to Anjem Choudary to photograph him, and no doubt has a lot of telephone numbers/email addresses for a lot of prominent MP's. He is dangerous as he is putting people at risk.
We can show a screenshot of Harper posting the direct email and phone number for Theresa May - has he obtained this by being Dave Wood? He could be breaking the Data Protection Act. This Flickr account contains many photos of prominent MPs
EDL News associates have been investigating harper/Wood sinces April and have compiled the following screenshots to prove the link.
Alan Harper's Facebook Account linked to his Flickr account

Is it still a massive coincidence that EDL member Alan harper's @exposeuaf Twitter acccount is linked to Dave Wood's Flickr photos?

Coincidence for the third time?

There is definately a pattern emerging here

ELD member Alan Harper claimed he photographed the soldiers along the route of the Blackburn homecoming parade. look what set of photos appear.

This racist comment appeared on his Twitter account

Alan Harper appears to have direct access to Theresa May and encourages fellow members to call her on her private number. How did that happen?

Various tweets about MPs from Alan Harper/Dave Wood's Twittter account

Some page's full of Harper's racism and some comment from right wing extremist Roberta Moore

Some photos of a coach trip to a demo, not included in harper's Flickr account

Some photos of Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll who arranged a meeting in Borehamwood

Alan Harper aka Dave Wood is very close to English Defence League leadership.

Harper providing information on other photographers
Wood was confronted with this evidence two weeks ago when we Tweeted him the screenshots. He immediately blocked our Twitter account and refused to comment.
EDL News
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