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Shop A Banker

gold man | 12.08.2011 19:59 | August Riots

A poster in response to the 'Shop A Looter' campaign

Image PDF - application/pdf 302K

'shop a looter'
'shop a looter'

shop a banker
shop a banker

The original poster next to the more relevant one. A3 pdf attached so you can distribute and maybe we will catch a banker.

gold man


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12.08.2011 20:15

means nothing. no power behind it

file under "I" for ignore


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12.08.2011 20:19

You spelt suspicion wrong.


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corrected PDF

12.08.2011 20:38

corrected PDF spelling

gold man

corrected PDF

12.08.2011 20:46

corrected PDF spelling

gold man

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stop the looters

12.08.2011 21:28

stop the looters
stop the looters

stop the looters

stop the looters

try again - stop the looters

12.08.2011 21:35

try again - stop the looters
try again - stop the looters

try again - stop the looters

try again - stop the looters

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12.08.2011 21:50




Make false reports to the police!

13.08.2011 09:11

If you still have public phones in the U.K., especially ones without surveillance cameras on them, call those police numbers to 'shop' people you know to be reactionary and pro-police, or even people who don't exist. The idea is to create a lot of disinformation for the scum to deal with.

Mystery shopper

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