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Daily Mail: Rich people are selfish and lack empathy!

EatTheRich | 11.08.2011 17:08 | Social Struggles

The Daily Mail, which usually slates the poor and worships the rich, publishes a study showing what we have all known anyway: rich people are "less empathetic, less altruistic and generally more selfish"

Interesting news of a study by psychologists proving scientifically what is fairly obvious from a gut feeling: rich people are self-obsessed, selfish bastards:

Rich people are: "less empathetic, less altruistic and generally more selfish' as a result of having so much money."

They have "an ideology of self interest and more likely to think about themselves whereas those less well off were more likely to help others."

"Lower class people just show more empathy, more prosocial behavior, more compassion, no matter how you look at it."



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freedom to allow people to do what they want

11.08.2011 21:37

It is always interesting to see people telling others what they can and can't do in life.

If rich people want to not give their money away - then that is their choice, not yours
However, many rich do give a lot of money away, so this research is a bit unfair.

after all, you are rich. Compared to the starving in Somalia, you are a millionaire.
Yet it would seem you cling onto your money too
This makes you relative rich and relatively selfish too.


OK, freedom to riot then?

11.08.2011 23:53

Does freedom to do what you want include freedom to riot? If not, why not? Because it infringes other people's freedoms? Well so does being rich - there is only so much wealth to go round so you only get rich by making other people poorer. Rich people only get rich by screwing with other people's freedoms.

I suggest you read the full report for an explanation of why a few rich people giving money away doesn't disprove this study.
