EDL taking to the streets? Important and worrying developments.
anon | 10.08.2011 17:03
EDL taking to the streets? Youtube video of a mass of white men yelling 'England, England' whilst chasing 'looters/rioters'. Police running along with them?
The EDL has started to call for it's members to take to the streets in what is a worrying development.
I really don't believe the EDL are apart of the 'clean-up' in the way they are portraying it.
As this youtube video shows, this may already be in full swing.
There have also been rumours of mosques being burnt down.
Please pass this around, it aint confirmed but if it is true we really need to consider what to do to protect.

I really don't believe the EDL are apart of the 'clean-up' in the way they are portraying it.
As this youtube video shows, this may already be in full swing.

There have also been rumours of mosques being burnt down.
Please pass this around, it aint confirmed but if it is true we really need to consider what to do to protect.
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From youtube
10.08.2011 17:17
Pretty sure it's already started.
Looking for evidence
fucking hell
10.08.2011 17:59
10.08.2011 18:44
The EDL and the anti-fast should co-ordinate and work together on this.
10.08.2011 19:46
Lets not kid ourselves here, the majority of the looters is black.
I know what aint going to go down well, but dont stick your head in the sand - they are. the evidence is there.
I see the EDL out there trying to protect communties
Where are the anti-fash?
Why aren't they out there protecting people from fascists (looters)?
Why arn't they defending their communities?
Sorry but you are wrong
10.08.2011 20:09
Addition Guardian reporting EDL on the Ground
10.08.2011 20:48
See 2108 entry.
Come across a couple rumours...and they are just that of EDL again in Leeds. One rumour of EDL to be in Bradford....not sure.
"I see the EDL out there trying to protect communties"
10.08.2011 20:52
I'm sure the community are going to be delighted that their "protectors" are behaving like the "rioters"
irony watch
Another Video
10.08.2011 20:53
*cries* and another one!
10.08.2011 20:56
We need a repsonse form the antifascists
10.08.2011 21:04
This shit just got real...
10.08.2011 21:12
reigned in
10.08.2011 22:15
Dum de Dum.
11.08.2011 12:34
I like Indymedia, consider it a vital voice and have used it for years but this tolerance for ultra-nationalism is going to have to stop. It would be a real shame if Indymedia were to suddenly fall foul of the shifting sands of public opinion in an area in which it is expected to be ahead of the game.
A White Man.