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MOX Maneuverings (marianne ) | 08.08.2011 13:55

Create Dependency, Withdraw , Watch them Plead for More...

The way in which the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority coldly announced the closure of MOX - without discussion - was calculated to prompt pleas for new nuclear developments.  Sure enough Jamie Reed MP and other nuclear shills are calling for MOX 2 (!) along with new build and deep disposal.


The NDA have said the closure of MOX is essential to easing the financial burden to the taxpayer. The sincerity of this statement could only be believed if the NDA then went on to say:


  • No more spent fuel will be delivered to Sellafield
  • All jobs expertise and taxpayers money will now be put into looking after existing wastes.
  • Existing wastes will not be dispersed into the wider environment by deep 'disposal,' dumping in landfill, 'recycled' into pots and pans.
  •  Or as with MOX and Thorp turn solid spent fuel into even more dangerous and much larger volumes of liquid high level wastes (reprocessing)


Then perhaps we could believe the NDA when they say they are concerned with wasting taxpayer billions


A Pox on Mox

Proliferation and Reprocessing

Sellafield's Mox plant is brought down by aftershocks of Japanese earthquakce (marianne )
- Original article on IMC Northern England: