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EDL involved in Tottenham riots

Martin Smith | 07.08.2011 16:47 | Anti-racism | South Coast

Fascists behind the riots

A friend of mine in Tottenham tells me that some well known London EDL activists were involved in last nights disturbances and were winding up the crowd. I feel that if they were involved it would be to stir things up and make black and asian people look bad by encouraging them to riot and loot the place. Smashing up your own community makes you look really bad and can only benefit the fascists.

People need to stay and home and not be enticed out into violence.

Martin Smith


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blah blick

07.08.2011 16:55

get tae fuck


Its true

07.08.2011 16:59

I saw EDL youth organiser Joel Titan there



07.08.2011 17:17

For the public information, the majority of your so called EDL hardcore element were actually at a Help 4 Heros fundraiser, rasing over £700 in an afternoon, so couldnt be stirring it up in Tottenham.



07.08.2011 17:20

It's Titus not Titan you prat! And Joel hasn't been involved with the EDL for nearly a year. And if the EDL were there, what's your problem? They're just doing what YOU are afraid to do. MUG!

Sarky Twat

No way! (Jk)

07.08.2011 17:23

Grubby and almost embarrasing attempt to get an irrelevent bunch of pricks mentioned.

Rof L M fao

Hi all.

07.08.2011 18:03

It would be a bit hard seeing myself there mate, as the thing on my ankle will not allow me to leave my house. So stop stirring shit eh.
