Anarchists! Give yourselves up!!
Sakura | 05.08.2011 19:43 | Repression | Birmingham | South Coast
What should you do if you discover an anarchist living next door?– the answer, according to an official counter-terrorism notice circulated in London last week, is that you must report them to police immediately.
"What should you do if you discover an anarchist living next door?– the answer, according to an official counter-terrorism notice circulated in London last week, is that you must report them to police immediately.
Despite playing loud punk music until the early hours of the morning, some of us are worried that our neighbours may not have realised that we're anarchists...SO, I'm knitting some hand grenades and a balaclava and will be putting on my best Emma Goldman T-shirt and hoola-hooping down to our local Police station this Saturday to hand myself in."
These are the words of Leicestershire anarchist Emma Chung, who will, at 1pm Saturday 6 August, alongside a group of fellow anarchists, be handing herself in to Leicestershire Police for the "terrorist" crime of supporting anarchy.
I invite fellow anarchists across the UK to join her (at a time of your convenience) in giving yourself up to your local police station. Please feel free to contact your local paper if you feel they may be interested.
Despite playing loud punk music until the early hours of the morning, some of us are worried that our neighbours may not have realised that we're anarchists...SO, I'm knitting some hand grenades and a balaclava and will be putting on my best Emma Goldman T-shirt and hoola-hooping down to our local Police station this Saturday to hand myself in."
These are the words of Leicestershire anarchist Emma Chung, who will, at 1pm Saturday 6 August, alongside a group of fellow anarchists, be handing herself in to Leicestershire Police for the "terrorist" crime of supporting anarchy.
I invite fellow anarchists across the UK to join her (at a time of your convenience) in giving yourself up to your local police station. Please feel free to contact your local paper if you feel they may be interested.
Hide the following 19 comments
you are not anarchists
05.08.2011 20:48
Cells of fire guys
watch mad max 2, there are a lot of anarchists in that.
basket weaving and playing a strange musical instrument is not make you anarchists
anarchists are dangerous people who run around with bombs trying to blow thing (and themselves) up
Bad idea
05.08.2011 21:22
Anon, your ignorance of anarchism is even more ridiculous than this ill thought out action.
King Pleb
lol, nice idea
05.08.2011 21:34
Not anarcho-negative...
05.08.2011 22:13
KIng Pleb
From Leicester AF
05.08.2011 22:52
Leicester AF
Not only is this dumb, its also out of date
05.08.2011 23:56
Anti stuntist
06.08.2011 08:46
Tossers. Go on turn yourselves in - it'll be a pleasure to have you off the streets anyway to make room for some proper political dialogue.
Troll Watch
06.08.2011 09:57
Double whammy
06.08.2011 10:01
King Pleb
@ Sakura
06.08.2011 18:19
I think this is a great idea
06.08.2011 20:05
Let's face it, if you are breaking the law enough to be worried about the police knowing you are an anarchist, they probably know about you already, knowing the amount of Stasi-style snooping they do into people's lives.
Anarchism is a philosophy that will be applicable to everyone, not a super-secret underground club for the militant elite, so I'm glad that people are willing to stand up publicly and "admit" to holding anarchist views. Anarchists may be fine with people breaking laws but that doesn't mean they have to break the law themselves.
Police trolls and anarcho-negativists may be poles apart, but they have the same effect of trying to put a dampener on anything anyone does.
Yours for anarchy, bashing the rich, and destroying all institutions of power.
Not being a troll
06.08.2011 21:51
Anti stuntist
Uber cool and hard core?
06.08.2011 23:19
Anti-stuntist's comments are spot on. There's much work to be done, whether on the industrial or community front, positive struggle within the class or by just building the movement. Unfortunately, this action does none of those things and merely plays into the hands of our enemies.
King Pleb
check london indymedia for an excellent response
07.08.2011 01:41
my name
I am Spartacus!
07.08.2011 10:44
The so-called "stunts" like these are an excellent way for them to raise the profile of anarchism, show the police up for the authoritarian idiots they are, and show regular people that anarchists aren't all scary black-clad, drug-taking youngsters smashing and blowing things up - that in fact it is a way of life applicable to everyone.
It's a classic tactic - think of the I am Spartacus moment.
I've nothing against wearing black, taking drugs, being young or blowing things up - they are all fine things in many circumstances and I've been/done many of them myself, but don't dismiss the education side of promoting anarchism.
I can't believe people waste so much time criticizing excellent things like this that other people are doing, instead of attacking the rich and powerful. And now I'm wasting my time arguing with you to redress the balance! If you are genuine anarchists and not police or establishment trolls, can't you save this moaning minnie negativity for private discussions at the pub instead of airing it in public?
constructive criticism
07.08.2011 10:57
How the hell is the criticism in the comments here constructive? It's all totally negative, basically saying this is a shit idea and the person is an idiot for doing it. Constructive criticism means saying yeah interesting idea and go for it if you want to, and why not try this as well, or do it this slightly different way.
I don't see any better suggestions in the comments for how to use the cops' stupid statement for promoting anarchism or how to stop them harassing political views in this way. Let's face it, if the cops want to snoop on anarchists they will do, so this tactic is just turning it against them, saying: if you want people to look at what anarchists are doing, fine, we'll be more than happy to educate them about anarchism!
And if Emma Chung is a good anarchist she will be saying fuck you negativists and your moaning, I think this is a good idea and I'm doing it whatever, I'm not enforcing any hierarchy on anyone, so what's the problem.
Anarchism is a beautiful political philosophy; obviously no-one likes to be bossed around by other people, so it's great that people are shouting about it from the rooftops.
no one will do it, its just a load of hot air like everything else
07.08.2011 12:05
who cares? constructive criticism is just that. if people can't handle it then thats their fault
its a free country - people have the right to say what they want without your kind telling what they can and can't say
has anyway actually done this hand themselves in?
bet no-one has. everyone just going on how big their dicks in their hand without the balls to see it through
If you're
07.08.2011 14:48
08.08.2011 15:54
You're making less sense that the previous posts which makes me wonder if the trolls have jumped on this.
I'm not talking about caring or not, just the basic fucking definition of "constructive". It's a factual point: the criticism here was NOT constructive.
Yes you can say what you want, but I think whining and moaning about every little thing anyone else does is exactly the sort of thing a police/establishment troll would do (even if you aren't actually one of these). Sorry but I just get pissed off with negativity. Speech may be free, but it does have implications.