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Historic first tabloid newsprint issue! (UhuruNews) | 29.07.2011 14:55 | London

Cover features infamous anti-black
mural torn down by Omali Yeshitela!

This is Volume 1, Issue 1 of The Burning Spear newspaper, the oldest Black Power periodical in continuous publication since the height of the Black Power Movement of the 1960s.

The paper was launched in 1968 as mimeographed sheets, which are unavailable.

This first tabloid newsprint issue was published in 1969 by the Junta of Militant Organizations (JOMO), one of three organizations that later merged to form the African People's Socialist Party.

Today, the African People's Socialist Party continues to publish The Burning Spear newspaper, and leads an international movement for African liberation. (UhuruNews)
- Original article on IMC London: