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The far right already have an established 'hitlist' here in the U.K

NeverAgain | 25.07.2011 12:56 | Anti-racism

The "Redwatch" website emanating from the U.K is basically a 'hitlist' informing neo-nazis of the whereabouts of "Leftists" in the U.K. The website has three mirrors each hosted on servers at based in the U.S.

The topdomain is
Primary NS server is,IP:
Secondly NS Server is,IP:
The MX record is,IP:
The three IP addresses can be traced to their origin here

If visiting Redwatch it may be wise to use an anonymous proxy server such as

ref article from the guardian



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Use Tor rather than KProxy to protect your anonymity

25.07.2011 16:27

Just to say I wouldn't recommend people use a centralised proxy like KProxy - you should never trust your security or anonymity to a single third party, especially one who you don't know personally.

Instead use a decentralised proxy like Tor:

Although not perfect, it is far better than using a centralised system.


failed scare tactics

25.07.2011 17:36

redwatch is a joke, almost all the photos on it are taken form activist sites, like this one, they have almost no photos taken by fash of lefties

furthermore all the 'intel' on people is again public domain info, not from fash spies but from newspapers and suchlike



25.07.2011 18:11

The guy mentioned in the linked guardian article within the post, who was stabbed, would likely disagree.

not so tired

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Leftists smashed up central London

25.07.2011 18:47

Video footage of leftist thugs rioting in central London, attacking police and destroying private property :

Fed up of violent leftist thugs

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Fed up of right-wing terrorists murdering children!

25.07.2011 19:24

This is video of right-wing psychopaths murdering children and going on the rampage...


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fuck off

25.07.2011 21:03

that murdering nutcase is not a real right winger.

real right winger

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@real right winger

25.07.2011 21:50

Your post is a classic example of the "no true Scotsman" fallacy:


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25.07.2011 22:47

I liked it when they splatted Prince Charles's limousine. You probably would have waited ten hours to line the route waving a plastic union jack just to get a three second hand waft

Fed up of royal parasites and their lackeys

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fuck off

25.07.2011 23:38

no it isn't.

if every right-wing support was a child killer then we would be overrun by them
The majority of voters voted for conservative which is right wing.
The daily mail readership is right wing and numbers in the millions.

Yet, none of these people are gunning down children

If fact, it can be proven that more left-wing nutters kill children than right wing.

Therefore your argument is deeply flawed and inaccurate - making your judgement ability very questionable.

If you can't even get that right then what else are you fucking up?

real right winger

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fuck off

25.07.2011 23:43

if you don't like it then fuck off to another country

moaning about england, its history and traditions?
Then fuck off, or are you the type that moans about something but then just sits there like an old fart and does nothing about it? pathetic

you've got the whole of europe to fuck off to, or maybe you'd like go to somalia i hear that is running as a anarchy at the moment lol

yes, id like to see you lot trying to survive in Somalia, with your guardian reading, hand wringing, cappucino slurping nature, youd last less than 3 seconds

pathetic, without socialism you lot would probably starve to death because you are very good at spending other people's money since you can't seem to earn any yourselves.

dont like the royal family? then fuck off to somewhere where they dont have one
whatever, just dont sit here moaning about you pitiful existance like people care if you are not going to do anything about it.

real right winger

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Right-wing terrorism.

26.07.2011 00:36

You now what...I think you should just leave now.

You obviously can't stand living in this country with all these lefties around and people who dont support "our brave boys", the royals and the old world of "Da British Empire". Your not happy obviously.

Also, I own a business and frankly don't like having to pay for your long-standing benefit claims. Your obviously unemployed because you have too much time to post messages on the internet. You sound too stupid to have a job aswell. My experience tells me that people who relentlessly bang on about living in the UK and not doing as the government tell you are usually holding those views because they have something to hide.

I know this because I knew a man who drove a taxi in London and would regularly drive past Brian Haw screaming out the cab window "get a fucking job". He was a rabid right winger. Bit of a nazi type. A year ago we all found out why...he hadn't paid a single penny in tax for the last 30 years. Not a single penny! And the sickening thing about it was he was expecting to have a very expensive operation on the NHS but had never, ever, paid NI contributions. Not a single penny!

So the next time you see somebody posting this vile over-compensating clap-trap on the internet or some newspaper website or the letters page of the SUN, understand its only because they have something to hide themselves. Somebody who incessantly complains about jobless layabouts, is almost certainly hiding something themselves.

I own a business, and I am proud to live in a country where my taxes go to ensuring we have a free NHS, that there is a national pension entitlement and that the low paid get working tax credits. I like the idea that somebody that doesn't have a job should be able to live without falling into crippling poverty just because some skinheaded, wife battering fuck-ugly thug thinks we should all still be living in the "work-house".

So real right winger. Grow up, get a job, and if this country doesn't meet with your approval then please, get your passport and leave. If I had to choose between the lefties and the righties I'm gonna choose the left. I just don't feel safe with people that like guns and think violence can achieve anything. I happen to believe the right-wing are the greatest threat there is.


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fuck off

26.07.2011 07:02

No one cares what you think
I've got a job. I have always worked
I used to run a business until labour put an end to that and decided to buy voters by giving them free money rather than supporting the uk's hard working folk who feed and house the people in the uk.

I'm happy in the uk and don't want to see things like the royals go. The lefties are the ones that are unhappy so they should fuck off. Always marching and protesting... thinking they can keep a country goin by doing basket weaving and an arts degree and then bitch about no jobs not releasing that no one wants to employ a berry wearing sociology student who dies know their arse from their elbow.

So they just decide to whine and whinge and blame the world because it doesn't conform to their fluffy imagination because they have been sat in an incubator for the last three years with no clue what is going on or what needs doing.

Whingeing and banner waving is a sign of someone who is seriously unhappy. So they should explore the world and hopefully fuck off to somewhere else.

Surprised someone is so pay taxes on this site. Thought all anarchists were lazy twats


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26.07.2011 11:14

Why would I "fuck off to another country"? My ancestors were here before theirs.

They should "fuck off" back to Saxe-Cobourg or Hesse or Hanover or whatever tinpot fiefdom their forefathers rode to get themselves a leg up here and has long since disappeared into a modern national structure. Or they could always renounce their positions (and land, and wealth) and get a proper job.

I'm sure you could find another dynastic cult to worship - oh yeh the Murdochs I believe some of their ancestors did come from these islands although they seem to prefer America to this country.

Fed up of royal parasites and their lackeys


26.07.2011 12:01

Yeah, I would of agreed with you until recently. There seems to be a sudden upsurge in full contact details and addresses though, and the targets seem to have changed from the usual UAF lot or Labour politicians.

Not saying this to big up Redwatch or owt, just to remind activists that good security is absolutely paramount! (Or else don't be surprised to end up on there).

Well done for finding the info, author. Maybe it will be acted upon...


Useful info

26.07.2011 12:43

From "Go Daddy"

Dear *************,

Thank you for contacting the Spam and Abuse Department.

We are not the hosting provider for this site. We are the domain name registrar only. We have neither access to, nor jurisdiction over the content on this site.

The web hosting provider for this website is the company responsible for policing any content that appears on this site. To determine the web hosting provider, use a publicly-available tool, like This tool will give you the resolving IP address which can then be compared to ARIN's ( IP allocation database. This will give you the relevant information for the true hosting provider.

Please submit your complaint to this company based on their AUP.

Spam and Abuse Department


If anyone wants to do what go daddy suggests it would be interesting to see the result.



26.07.2011 12:59




27.07.2011 12:00

Redwatch now using facebook as number one tool to retrieve info on anti-fascists.


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