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POSSIBLE photo of Anders Breivik at EDL demo?

Highwater Mark | 25.07.2011 09:35 | Analysis | Anti-racism

POSSIBLE photo of Anders Breivik at EDL demo?

This photo is from the EDL Geert Wilders rally mustering outside Tate Britain on 5 March 2010. Could this be Anders Brehing Breivik? I am NOT saying for sure that it is him, but it should be easy for the Norwegians to make a definite "yes" or "no" identification. The original photo can be found here -

There were 2 very expensively dressed suits at the Geert Wilders demo, so there should be plenty of other photos of these individuals.

More info -

Highwater Mark


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are you serious?

25.07.2011 10:56

the person in the photo at the wilders demo looks more like an aged version of brad pit, it`s nothing like the blonde norwegian.


could be him

25.07.2011 11:06

slightly unshaven version without artificial lighting-could be. Bone structure, nose, eyes all similar



25.07.2011 11:13

Breivik looks younger in the posed photo because it's professionally posed, well-lit, he's wearing make-up / foundation and the tach is shaved off. Goatee and shape of face are very similar. I'm not sure, but if Norway confirms it is him in both photos then the EDL are finished.



25.07.2011 12:04

so what if it is him? its a free country and he's got the right to come here and protest!

who cares?


25.07.2011 13:07

He has was inspired by EDL's mad ideas


Replies to Anon and Who Cares?

25.07.2011 13:31

Fuck off Jeff Marsh


Anders Brehing Breivik - more evidence

25.07.2011 13:34

Anders Brehing Breivik admitted he had EDL on his friends list, and EDL activists have admitted he was on their lists and attended an EDL demo


BBC lying about the EDL and Anders Breivik

25.07.2011 14:34

I saw the tickertape on BBC News 24 claim Searchlight are denying links between the EDL and Breivik, and, whaddyaknow, the BBC are LYING --

There is a story running on BBC News 24 claiming that we are saying that there is no link between Breivik and the EDL. I have no idea where the BBC got this claim from but it wasn't from us. We know of some links. We've just released this statement to the media.

"The anti-fascist group Searchlight are appalled at the atrocities that occurred on Friday in Norway and have today launched an online book of condolence. Anders Behring Breivik clearly has some links with UK extremist groups and over the next days, weeks and months the details of these will emerge.

Searchlight has found some links between Breivik and the British far right and will be revealing these shortly.

The events in Oslo and Utoeya Island demonstrate how dangerous far right extremism is and that we must all continue to be vigilant in the fight between against extremism of all forms.

"Searchlight welcome the Government's renewed focus on right wing extremism and hope that they and the Police will start to take organisations like the EDL seriously. In particular we urge the authorities to classify the EDL as a far right extremist group, something which it is not do at present."


doesn't look like the same person to me

25.07.2011 16:24

And much as I despise the EDL, we can't really read too much into the fact Anders Breivik was in internet contact with the EDL. There are all sorts of nutters online and you can't really have guilt by association.

The EDL are scummy enough on their own, we don't need to use faulty logic to imply the EDL are all neo-Nazi wannabe mass-murderers. Though I'm sure some of them are.

If some anarchist went mental and massacred a load of kids (though unlikely), that wouldn't make us all mass child killers by association.

What we can logically say is that extreme neo-Nazis are very attracted to the EDL's philosophy.


facebook evidence?

25.07.2011 16:41

as neil lees/uk fightback knows, anyone can start a facebook profile and impersonate people, lees has been for ages


Either this isn't Anders Breivik, or UKIP are in deep shit

25.07.2011 16:51

Here's our man at the EDL London / Geert Wilders demo, he was there with the guy on the left, UKIP candidate Abhijit Pandya, and with the 2nd guy in the hat, so either this isn't Anders Breivik, or UKIP are in deep shit

Bing Crosby

Maybe not

25.07.2011 17:12

At a distance these photos do look like him (blue eyes, goatee, light hair, shape of face), especially the photos that show Breivik slightly in profile, but (don't laugh) the main difference seems to be the earlobes. I'm still not sure

Highwater Mark


25.07.2011 17:12

Unless he's had his earlobes altered somehow, it's not him. See:


Funny you should mention surgery

25.07.2011 17:34

Page 1177 of Breivik's manifesto talks about "erotic capital as accruing to an individual due to the quality and quantity of attributes that he or she possesses which elicit an erotic response in another. Some of these attributes may be immutable, such as an individual's race or height, while others may be acquired through fitness training, plastic surgery, or a makeover". Breivik definitely had both the fitness training and the makeover, how about the plastic surgery?


Could be him.

25.07.2011 20:43


Could be him. This image comparison is for your use. Make your own mind up.


This is NOT our man

26.07.2011 10:08

Thanks for the feedback people. In view of the new photos, it seems highly likely this is NOT our man, so apologies to the man in the photograph (but, if you don't want to be confused with scumbags, tip for the future, don't go on EDL demos)

What has come out of this however is proof that UKIP activists attended EDL demos (in this case a demo that even Geert Wilders disowned)

Mark H

Highwater Mark