No to the trashing of our countryside, No to a Nuclear Future, No to Government lies
South West Against Nuclear | 19.07.2011 15:55

In the meantime here in the West Country we have got to wake up to the fact that 2 new Nuclear power stations are being planned at Hinkley and Oldbury. HinkleyC will be the first of the 8 New Nuclear builds Hinkley was chosen because Bridgwater is seen as a deprived and depressed area that would offer no resistance.
Please join the Vigil for Fukushima on the 28th of July outside West Somerset Council as the planning committee decide on the plausibility of EDF's application for the preliminary works to HinkleyC. It's time to build the resistance! Tell your friends, your neighbours, your brothers and your sisters, bring your children, we are planning a coach from Bristol please get in touch with us through our email
It will take ten years for Hinkley and Oldbury to be built, 10 years, what kind of monstrosities are they planning?
EDF (Electricite de France) is planning to build the largest nuclear power station in the country at Hinkley. Comprising two EPRs (European Pressurised Reactor). The EPR is the biggest reactor in the world ...and the design is not yet finished (!)
500 acres of Somerset countryside, areas of special scientific interest,adjacent to Bridgwater bay, a national nature reserve + footpaths and underground streams, will be trashed.
Stop Hinkley have collected thousands of signatures against the new nuclear plant, but central government have chosen to ignore local feeling.
The government department of Environment and Climate Change (DECC) have lied their way through the process, they have told us that nuclear power is green, cheap , safe and reliable...and the worst lie of all is that we need it to survive climate change (!) with emotive slogans like "we must keep the lights on". (another lie!)
Their public consultation was carried out unbeknown to the majority of the public.
The government promised that the nuclear renaissance (more like the dark ages) will be financed by private money only, "with no government subsidies, not our taxes", but of course we are going to be paying for it, through our bills. No nuclear programme has ever survived without government intervention.....the primary example of this is EDF...44 billion Euros in debt to the French government.
In the meantime the plans for Oldbury New Nuclear build are just as mental, a plant 4 times the size of the existing plant, with massive cooling towers each tower will be higher and as wide as the existing station.....
Shepperdine Against Nuclear Energy (SANE), campaigning to shut down Oldbury and stop the new build, is concerned that subsidence in the ground has already caused cracks in the reactor core of the present nuclear power station.
The whole thing is absolute madness...there is much more to write on all this, the whole thing is one hell of a can of worms.
Why? Why is the whole Nuclear issue so shrouded in lies?
Heard of Depleted Uranium?
show your solidarity with the people of Somerset and the people of Japan, expose the lies and remember Chernobyl.
P.S. we are on facebook as Southwest AgainstNuclear
South West Against Nuclear
Original article on IMC Bristol: