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French boat on its way to Gaza: the Dignité has sailed

Fintan Lane | 18.07.2011 18:25 | Flotilla to Gaza | Palestine | World

French boat Dignité of the Freedom Flotilla II leaves Greece

The French boat “Dignité/Karama” (Dignity) left the Greek island Kastellorizo around 8:30PM local time on Saturday July 16, 2011, heading south. The ten passengers onboard view themselves as representatives of the whole Freedom Flotilla II – Stay Human. The rest of the Flotilla’s ships have been detained in different Greek ports, through bureaucratic obstruction, sabotage, sudden restrictions and withdrawals of flags.

The Dignité, sailing under a French flag, left Corsica on June 25th, and has, over the past weeks, been in Greek waters. It has now left– so far without being followed by the Greek coast guard or Navy.

Kastellorizo, in the far east of the Greek archipelago, is only miles from Turkish mainland. A substantial part of Kastellorizo’s population fled during the second World War to Gaza, where they stayed for years. The present mayor of the island, Paul Panigiris, was born in Gaza, and feels strongly, as do many other people from Kastellorizo, for a population that once hosted them and is now under siege.

Among the passengers is Dror Feiler, spokesperson for Ship to Gaza Sweden, also chairman for European Jews for a Just Peace, together with Vangelis Pissias spokesperson of Ship to Gaza-Greece, Claude Léostic, spokesperson of Un bateau français pour Gazam the Tunisian Omeyya Naoufel Seddik from the Fédération des Tunisiens pour une citoyenneté des deux rives (FTCR), Stéphan Corriveau, coordinator of Canadian boat to Gaza Thomas Sommer-Houdeville, spokesperson of Un bateau français pour Gaza, and other representatives for the Canadian, French and Greek initiatives within Freedom Flotilla II. Onboard the Dignité is also renowned Israeli journalist Amira Hass, reporting for Haaretz, and a team from Al-Jazeera TV.

The action of Dignité is not a mini-version of Freedom Flotilla 2, but a first wave that will be followed by others. It is a message to the Israeli government, to the international community and to the besieged people of Gaza: The Irish Ship to Gaza & Freedom Flotilla II are not giving up, until the inhumane and illegitimate blockade of Gaza is lifted.

Gaza, we are coming!

Fintan Lane


Gaza rejects Greek government charity

18.07.2011 18:29

Today and tomorrow will see Greek Embassies internationally being delivered copies of the letter written by Palestinian civil groups rejecting the offer of the Greek government to deliver the aid that it prevented most of the Flotilla boats from delivering. Text is a follows:

We, members of Palestinian civil society in Gaza, have been watching the actions your government has taken to block Freedom Flotilla 2 from setting sail towards the biggest open air prison - the Gaza Strip - to challenge Israel's criminal blockade. Israel's closure of Gaza has deprived us of things that most people take for granted, first and foremost, our freedom of movement. We are not allowed to pursue adequate health care or educational opportunities because we cannot travel freely. We are cut off from our families in other parts of the occupied territory and abroad; and we are not allowed to invite people to visit us in Gaza. Now, you have imported this restriction on the people whose main mission is to stand in solidarity with us.

The people of Gaza are only in need of humanitarian aid because we are prevented from building our economy. We are not allowed to import raw materials or to export; our fishermen and farmers get shot at when attempting to fish or to harvest their crops. As a result of deliberate Israeli policy, 80% of our people have become food aid dependent, our infrastructure is in shambles, and our children cannot imagine a day when they will know freedom.

Your offer to deliver the cargo of the Freedom Flotilla entrenches the notion that humanitarian aid will solve our problems and is a weak attempt to disguise your complicity in Israel's blockade.

We are so sorry not to accept your charity. The organizers and participants of the Freedom Flotilla recognize that our plight is not about humanitarian aid; it is about our human rights. They carry with them something more important than aid; they carry hope, love, solidarity and respect. Your offer to collude with our oppressors to deliver aid to us is strongly REJECTED.

While it is clear that you have been under enormous political pressure to comply with the will of the Israeli regime, to collaborate with Israel in violating international law and legitimizing the siege, we refuse to accept your breadcrumbs. We crave freedom, dignity and the ability to make choices in our daily lives. We urge you to immediately reconsider and to let the Freedom Flotilla sail.

Finally we recognize the historical relations between our people and your country's support for our legitimate rights. With this history in mind and your previous acknowledgment of the freedoms denied to us, we are calling on you to allow the freedom flotilla boats to leave for Gaza, thus challenging Israel's illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip and illegal occupation of Palestinian land.


Palestinian Network of NGOs (PNGO) -

Representing over 60 non-governmental organizations in Gaza,

Palestinian International Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza

General Society for Rehabilitation

Deir Al-Balah Cultural Centre for Women and Children

Maghazi Cultural Centre for Children

Al-Sahel Centre for Women and Youth

Rachel Corrie Centre, Rafah

Rafah Olympia City Sisters

Al Awda Centre, Rafah

Al Awda Hospital, Jabaliya Camp

Ajyal Association, Gaza

Al Karmel Centre, Nuseirat

Local Initiative, Beit Hanoun

Beit Lahiya Cultural Centre

Al Awda Centre, Rafah

Middle East Children's Alliance - Gaza office

Alshomoa Club for Women

General Union for Public Services Workers

General Union for Health Services Workers

General Union for Petrochemical and Gas Workers

General Union for Agricultural Workers

General Union of Palestinian Syndicates

General Union of Palestinian Women

Palestinian Congregation for Lawyers

Palestinian General Federation of Trade Unions (PGFTU)

Union of Health Work Committees

Union of Synergies-Women Unit

Union of Women's Work Committees

Palestinian Association for Fishing and Maritime

Palestine Sailing Federation

Fishing and Marine Sports Association

Palestinian Women Committees

Progressive Students' Union

Free Gaza Team
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AFP report "Dignite has been intercepted by the Israeli Navy"

19.07.2011 11:19

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- The Israeli navy has intercepted and boarded the French-flagged boat Dignite Al-Karame as it neared Gaza, an IDF statement said.

At least three Israeli military ships had surrounded the yacht as it neared Gaza, seeking to breach Israel's blockade on the territory, an organizer told AFP on Tuesday.

A Mann
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