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EDL in Manchester

Paul | 17.07.2011 15:48

EDL in Manchester yesterday

Just been reading an account of what happened from a poster on U75.
All I can say, he/she must have been in a different Manchester.
I got there a bit late, where around 20 anti fascists were stood next to the knobs of the SWP selling their paper. The idea was to proctect the SWP from the EDL.
To be honest there were that many police there, there was not a chance the SWP were going to get touched.

Number of EDL, from what I saw, and I saw a couple of different groups, was about 350, a lot more were in pubs. The police were very rough with them, and to be fair the police were okay with us.

Some of the anti fascists walked away from the SWP stall and the police, onto Whitworth street? I am not from Manchester.
There were then confronted by around 40 EDL, a lot of then in their 40's, with a good few in their 20's.
They seemed to be football lads from United and City, I guess.
The top and bottom of it was, the anti fascists were no match for these experience football thugs, and we were sent packing.

There is no shame in what happened, to have stayed would have meant a bad beating.
Giving false accounts of what happen,as the poster on U75 has, helps no one.
Saying as he/she did, that fascists were given a chance to take us on, but did not take that chance, is just stupid. If it was not for the police at the SWP stall, we would have been smashed, as simple as that.
And when the EDL did get their chance, they took it.

What needs to be looked at, is why the EDL can get working class men(and it is mainly men), plus a good few dozen kids of school age, onto the streets.
While at the the same time anti fascists struggle for numbers to physically confront the EDL, more importantly, the EDL just seemed more of a tougher bunch to me.

Learn lessons, or the same mistakes will be repeated.



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^^^-----Bull shit

17.07.2011 17:19

Don't feed this EDL troll!!!

Bill Bull


17.07.2011 17:50

Nice troll, very subtle.


I heard the same

17.07.2011 18:09

I was not there, but from what I have been told the report is correct.


Why doesn't anyone like us?

17.07.2011 19:50

You wonder why the left can't mobilise white working class support?
Well, in-spite of what your social studies lectures told you, you and your 'ideology' work against our interests. You care more about standing up to 'racism' - your strawman than you do about standing against real injustice. We can see that what you want - the free movement of people, the end to nation states and the repression of any sense identity - only if it is white - varies very little from that of the global elite're drones. You lie to us and about us, you place no value in us or in the survival or health of what were our communities in what was our country ( Save me the Marxist drivel I doubt you understand it or it's purpose) , You spout meaning less slogans while scream 'Nazi' at us while it us that have to deal with the actuality of left wing ideology. All off our concerns mean nothing to you , we're are either haters, racist's , capitalist lackeys ( hahaha!), labouring under false conscience etc, but never ever justified in our fears, concerns or when we protect our interests. All of which have to be explained away, ignored and in the dim and distant past for you lot met with violence and aggression.

We stand up for the white children getting raped/murdered/tortured you stand with the community from which the offenders come from. If you ever stop lying manipulating and using all the other 'revolutionary' tactics you try and employ against our people and our country then you may get some support but then again if you do that you wont be reds any more..your losing because you have betrayed your own kind and country. Another thing we all know that Marxism is power play and has fuck all to do with the interests of the working class. In nutshell just because you swallowed the indoctrination don't expect us to, We can see our country dying. It was our forefathers and in a lot of cases us as well that fought in war spilt blood and more not so we could help some middle class trot ( or whatever faction are the bearers of the true light at the moment) assist some other form of scum in the dismantling of our country ( again I don't want to hear it as you have nothing to say worth listening to about this or anything else) and way of life ... do you understand now?


North West Infidels

17.07.2011 20:06

This report doesn't fit with what I've been told, gets several details suspiciously wrong (350? My arse) and is a suspected EDL troll, comments following it certainly appear to suggest so.

The Stomper

RE: Rob

17.07.2011 20:46

Oh and Rob, btw, I don't particularly want the support of knuckledragging racist football hooligans, which is all the EDL seems to be able to attract. Its not as if the EDL have managed to grow at all in the last 6-12 months, is it? Each time i see their demos they seem to get smaller and smaller, until now its just a gang of violent hooligans lurking around in pubs looking to attack people, not even a protest movement any more. The EDL is tearing itself apart at the seams, all these factions, some of which are openly racist, will further alienate them the general public.

I was in Halifax on both of their recent demo's, and the extent to which the EDL had managed to piss off the local working-class population was very encouraging for any anti-fascist to see. There's an air of desperation in their strategy now, and there's enough in-fighting to for us to exploit. I suspect the EDL will splinter into about 5 or 6 groups around the counry with 150-200 "members" each, but we'll soon see how it pans out.

I've been speaking to people form Manchester and apparently there's no reports of any injuries/arrests, touchwood, so if anything did happen it mustn't have been much.

The STomper