Real Democracy right now
Carlos Ortiz de Zárate | 17.07.2011 11:07 | Analysis | World
Chronic debt is not an issue, and States are over spenders. This comes from the former model of State, when finance was outside institution. Now, as happen with individual, debt is only a way when invested in improving production. It is not the case and States are under financers. I will come into this scenario and suggest alternatives.
Some economist claims that: tax reductions liberate money to consumers. Reagan, Thatcher, Aznar and other have got grow that way, by cutting that they considered as unproductive expenses, mainly welfare. That worked in shortage, but the impact is much more expensive than benefits of grow, as rich were up, poor were down and societal unbalance generated domestic and abroad expenses. Bush senior and junior started that I call the discourse of arrogance:, and Tony Blair, Mitterrand, Felipe González and other, follow it as an issue for economic grow; it worked as war expending have pushed consummation, but also State expenses, when tax reductions became popular and one of the main grow activators. Impact on public debt has been different according to leaders: it rose with Bush senior and Bush junior and reduced with Clinton, but economic health was seriously impacted, even when grow was, as it happened with Clinton, Blair, Jospin, Aznar, Bush junior and other. The problem is this grow was mastered by financers and speculation and USA debt became unsustainable with Bush junior.
There were good times for uncontrolled business, State was under financiers, mainly speculators feeding, promoting and directing politicians and growing. When crisis came State income is reduced, while establishment have to help financers and pay the expenses of wars without project end issues. Debt is unsustainable and not one think on rising income, because everyone is too busy in short term issues: cutting welfare expenses, State salaries and so.
It is not way, and we all know, as experience has show. Now-a-days States finances have to cover properly its competences and welfare is far for being unproductive; we just have to fix equitable citizen contribution for this purpose.
We have also to plan transparent expenses and to improve invests. For that, first challenge has to be implementation of the State we claim for, as citizen does not believe in laws and in politicians.
The way is opening nearest institutions as citizen may participate in decisions taking. It is far from utopia, as elected may engage in creating and organizing a Council representing local profiles, making it working in Commissions , embracing local competences and adopting decisions, elected will execute within Council control. Citizen may follow the whole process and give critics, acceptance or suggestion. Interested may follow this proposal and discuss about in: English, French or Spanish I offer translation:
Once implemented local participative gobernanza we have ciment to link with next steps. For doing so, we need transparent Law, having it liberate from politics and finance. Most of problems may be solved outside of lawyers, living to the latest that not solved. But, as we suggest in gobernanza, lawyers, financers and politicians have to be controlled by civil society organized and legitimated to avoid abuses, as this: . We do not have to ignore the beginning of lawyers in Greece and Rome. Laws can not be kidnapped as they are just now.
When citizen will join in decisions taking, State finance, as individual finance, will cope and we will liberate from financiers to buy our debt.

There were good times for uncontrolled business, State was under financiers, mainly speculators feeding, promoting and directing politicians and growing. When crisis came State income is reduced, while establishment have to help financers and pay the expenses of wars without project end issues. Debt is unsustainable and not one think on rising income, because everyone is too busy in short term issues: cutting welfare expenses, State salaries and so.
It is not way, and we all know, as experience has show. Now-a-days States finances have to cover properly its competences and welfare is far for being unproductive; we just have to fix equitable citizen contribution for this purpose.
We have also to plan transparent expenses and to improve invests. For that, first challenge has to be implementation of the State we claim for, as citizen does not believe in laws and in politicians.
The way is opening nearest institutions as citizen may participate in decisions taking. It is far from utopia, as elected may engage in creating and organizing a Council representing local profiles, making it working in Commissions , embracing local competences and adopting decisions, elected will execute within Council control. Citizen may follow the whole process and give critics, acceptance or suggestion. Interested may follow this proposal and discuss about in: English, French or Spanish I offer translation:

Once implemented local participative gobernanza we have ciment to link with next steps. For doing so, we need transparent Law, having it liberate from politics and finance. Most of problems may be solved outside of lawyers, living to the latest that not solved. But, as we suggest in gobernanza, lawyers, financers and politicians have to be controlled by civil society organized and legitimated to avoid abuses, as this:

When citizen will join in decisions taking, State finance, as individual finance, will cope and we will liberate from financiers to buy our debt.
Carlos Ortiz de Zárate