VID-Julian Assange exits High Court to "I Shall be Released"
Solidarity | 14.07.2011 10:36
Day 2 Wed July 13
VID-Julian Assange exits High Court/ London.
Catholic Workers, War Resisters & WikiLeaks Support sing "I Shall Be Released"
VID-Julian Assange exits High Court/ London.
Catholic Workers, War Resisters & WikiLeaks Support sing "I Shall Be Released"
Verdict on appeal against extradition to be delivered in the 2-6 weeks.
Mainstream media today in lynch mob mode....reporting on prosecution argument (same prosecutor who defended Pinochet when he was hold up in London!) and little reporting on defense argument by human rights solicitior Gareth Peirce and barristers Ben Emerson and Mark Summers.
For a balanced diet to your reading of this case, check out this site
Mainstream media today in lynch mob mode....reporting on prosecution argument (same prosecutor who defended Pinochet when he was hold up in London!) and little reporting on defense argument by human rights solicitior Gareth Peirce and barristers Ben Emerson and Mark Summers.
For a balanced diet to your reading of this case, check out this site
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Balanced diet???
14.07.2011 10:45
For example - "Under Swedish law, consensual sex can be classified as ’rape’." Eh? No?
Under Swedish law, rape is classified as rape.
And yet again....
- unwanted penetration a sleeping woman is rape
- penetration of a woman in a manner which she does not consent to is rape
- holding someone down and penetrating them without consent is rape
- just because someone "consents" to being raped in the middle of being raped, doesnt make the rape OK.
Glasgow Activist
Well I suppose...
14.07.2011 11:17
Women Against Rape on the allegations against Assange
14.07.2011 12:10
Rape claims, WikiLeaks and internet freedom
Many women in both Sweden and Britain will wonder at the unusual zeal with which Julian Assange is being pursued for rape allegations (Report, 8 December). Women in Sweden don't fare better than we do in Britain when it comes to rape. Though Sweden has the highest per capita number of reported rapes in Europe and these have quadrupled in the last 20 years, conviction rates have decreased. On 23 April 2010 Carina Hägg and Nalin Pekgul (respectively MP and chairwoman of Social Democratic Women in Sweden) wrote in the Göteborgs-Posten that "up to 90% of all reported rapes never get to court. In 2006 six people were convicted of rape though almost 4,000 people were reported". They endorsed Amnesty International's call for an independent inquiry to examine the rape cases that had been closed and the quality of the original investigations.
Assange, who it seems has no criminal convictions, was refused bail in England despite sureties of more than £120,000. Yet bail following rape allegations is routine. For two years we have been supporting a woman who suffered rape and domestic violence from a man previously convicted after attempting to murder an ex-partner and her children – he was granted bail while police investigated.
There is a long tradition of the use of rape and sexual assault for political agendas that have nothing to do with women's safety. In the south of the US, the lynching of black men was often justified on grounds that they had raped or even looked at a white woman. Women don't take kindly to our demand for safety being misused, while rape continues to be neglected at best or protected at worst.
Katrin Axelsson
Women Against Rape
More photosfrom Day 2
14.07.2011 14:06
Report from World Socialist Website
Resposnses to "anarchist", "Glasgow anarchist" AND input from Naoim Wolf
14.07.2011 14:51 just sound like an anti-Catholic sectarian. Fine British tradition you got there! I guess you were too busy burning bonfires and scaring the croppies on July 12 to make it to High Court.
Are you sure you're an anarchist and not just a conservative individualist? Seems like a lot of confusion on this brand of identity politics in Blighty
"Glasgow anarchist" are all "anarchists" in Glasgow as trusting of the POlice as you? Or as lazy as you go, let radical U.S. feminist Naomi Wolf do the work for you as she deconstructs the beat up that is the Swedish police report (surprise, sruprise) leaked to the Guardian (yep those public school boys who detest the hippy kid upstart antiopedian Asange) in December 10.
If you represent the lynch mob mentality of Brit "anarchists", I'd rather take my chances when confronted by the Brit state with a good liberal lawyer like Gareth would the Birmingham 6, Guilford 4, Maguire 7 etc etc etc
Here's Youtube and "Democracy Now" links to the excellent debate fom Decemer between Jaclyn Friedman and Naomi Wolf over the sex crime allegations against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. . Well worth watching for two opposing feminist perspectives on the details of the allegations in police files released by the Guardian. Towards the end Naomi Wolf makes some very succinct connections between Assange's Swedish case and the larger Wikileaks picture.
Excerpt of the show dealing with the debate
Australian @narchist
Response to God delusioned Ciaron
14.07.2011 15:02
What exact point are you making in regards to my criticism of the Catholic Church?
wikileaks is wikileaks
Rape is Rape
Don't confuse the two........
Both Assange and Manning are for a Free Press and are anti-fascist fighters.
14.07.2011 17:22
These fighters for truth and a truthful press are in reality the real heroes of the times and they need solidarity and support from the true anti-fascist fighters around the world. Viva Press liberation. End polllution wars, not endless wars for more and more pollution. Quit the Illegal stopping of the funding of Wikileaks. Censorship of the press is a state fascistic method of suppression and aggressive war. Viva socialist liberation.
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