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phone tapping

lindsey | 11.07.2011 18:42

not just national newspaper

having had dealings with corrupt social landlord's,whom made numerous unfounded claim's against me in a court of law,through there corrupt members of staff (f.woods);
and there equally corrupt solicitors,(glazerdelmar).

f.woods presented court with document stating that i had been stopped by police in
an area that the court had banned me from.

this is /was total lies,but,i did use this excuse in a telephone conversation with a friend,as to why i was not going to keep a pre arrange meeting.

within day's f.wood's had put this statement in writing to be used in court against me.

when i knew about this,i requested that ;all police documents were disclosed,
why i was not arrested for contempt of court and brought before the judge.

this is just a part of the corruption that i have been trying to bring to light,with regard's
social housing in the london borough of hammersmith;

my rent paid direct to landlord's from housing benefit;large over payment with my landlords;landlord use threat of eviction against me to repay this over payment.

i had no intention of repaying money that was in my landlord's bank account,
result;evicted from my home,local council housing benefit refused all request for
full disclosure under freedom of information act,

forced to live in temp accom in essex 13month's, property damp,extremely hard to keep warm last winter.
council abused my rights to be rehoused in an area that i'de live for over 40 years,
now living in an area where i have no connection.

this started jan 2010,
social landlord issued action against me for the sum of £1297.46,collection agents reference 00203624 / stating our clients has asked us to recover this debt;

wot debt, housing benefit over paid my landlords by £1297.46.

now as then i fail to see why i'm responsible to repay monies that never came into contact with me.
why;both party's LBHF and NOTTING HILL HOUSING (trust);
notting hill housing still claiming to be a trust,charitable trust yet they sold all there charity shops,does this latest official letter in my possesion mean that the charity's commission does not know they sold shop;

lbhf and notting hill entered into a venture of a credit union in north end road fulham,

lbhf last year claimed that it had financial problems,

this credit union ,also know as the laundry;was it set up to clean funds from sale of charity shops that notting hill forgot to notify charity's commission.

now,this is just as news international corrupt action of females with power.

notting hill having made my life hell with the help of those lyeing corrupt employed within social housing at LBHF,
even in this matter the conservatives knew,and failed me,and i voted for the bastards.

will i be able to get my name back,will justice be allowed,
or will the criminal harassment from both party's be allowed.

lbhf / notting hill i await your response, i want justice as is my lawfull right.



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met police hammersmith/office of minister of justice

31.07.2011 10:11

having sent this to met police at hammersmith,yet they faild to contact me in return,

i now forwards this to minister of justice ;kenneth clarke.

mr clarke,
i request a full investigation in to the manner;corrupt manner that 2 social landlords are allowed to manipulate the justice with our court system.

these social landlords having made my life hell for more than 20 years.
both party's having abuse all points of law with social housing and hammersmith and fulham.

i request this as my lawfull rights regarding my legal position within the country of my birth and my fore fathers.

kindly appoint a person of honour; not like those i have had previous dealing with,
members of your own political party having allowed these corrupt social landlords,manipulate and even bend the point of law,helped with these unlawfull actions;court judges,members of parliament,numerous members of the social housing with hammersmith and fulham.

all my claim are factual, proof of this corruption held,numerious unfounded allegations;
(claimed) assual on police officers (fact) statement from 2 officers with met at hammersmith
claiming my assualt on one;
fact; these statments because made by two serving officers would have been enough to get me imprisond,yet they with drew moment before i entered court.(fact)making a statment and committing perjury,after placing there hand on the bible and swearing to this being the trueth.
this was the only reason charges changed at pint of myself entwering the court.(but;this is still on record,detrimental against my being.

i believe that your the highest point of law that i can reach,kindly put all the measures of justice into action,and bring these criminal to justice.

barry lindsey

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