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Drummer gets a Ticket! (Tash [Alan Lodge]) | 05.07.2011 15:55

Performing just near Speakers Corner off the Market Square in Nottingham .... A Drummer / Busker sets up to entertain. He's good at it and attracts an appreciative crowd. .......

Well, you know what happens next ..... Community Protection Officers .... [well, we all need our community protecting from drummers], start to talk to him about licences, public liability insurance, health & safety .... and the rest.

Personally, I've always appreciated music and performance, juggling, street acts and general exhuberance to lighten the day as you go about in your biz.  I mean, we've done it for thousands of years, a little spontineity. But now it all has to be contrived, licenced by an official, paid for, commercially valid, appointed places and it's knocking the creativity out of society.  This is not hot news really ,,,, you can see it every day of the week. But I am getting crosser about such oppressive behaviour and I hope you are too.  The audience watching this drummer, gave a collective sneer at these officers behaviour, some tried to speak to them to point out there was nothing wrong here.  But it's their job you see ....  

In short .... community Protection is not what I see happening here [like many others]. Perhaps they could be found something more useful to do .... like enabling things to happen for the public good, rather than an extension of the usual authorities actions that 'like to say no!'  Just a thought! (Tash [Alan Lodge])