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Not One Cut Until the Bankers Pay!

Mary Seacole | 02.07.2011 08:12 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

Central London March to defend the NHS
Tuesday 5 July 2011, 5:30pm
Not One Cut Until the Bankers Pay!

Cameron even lied to Tory voters
Cameron even lied to Tory voters

Central London March to defend the NHS
NHS 63rd Birthday Celebration
Tuesday 5 July 2011, 5:30pm
Savoy Street, off the Strand, London WC2

Come and join the march and rally to defend the NHS from cuts and privatisation. The coalition reforms will lead to the break-up and privatisation of the NHS. Tell the government that the NHS is not for sale.

Starting point: Savoy Street, Strand WC2
Assemble 5.30 pm, set-off 6pm
Route: The Strand, past Trafalgar Square, Whitehall
Rally 7pm at Old Palace Yard, opposite Parliament

Other events around the UK -

Mary Seacole


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Dream on

02.07.2011 11:17

Dream on, you are not going to stop any cuts! The cuts will surely go ahead, I am 100 per cent certain of that.

Get real

more excuses for the status quo.

02.07.2011 11:34

There will never be a revolution while the our government provides us with "NHS NHS NHS..."


Stupid Comments

02.07.2011 12:39

Great, you 2 (comments above) won't be attending this demo. Good. Fuck off.

Oh yeah, and also never expect anyone to dial 999 if you get hit by a car, and never request hospital or GP treatment, for anything, even if you're dying ;)

NHS worker

opt out of NHS should be a choice

02.07.2011 15:40

> Oh yeah, and also never expect anyone to dial 999 if you get hit by a car, and never request hospital or GP treatment, for anything, even if you're dying ;)

Does that mean I get all my taxes I've paid back to the NHS.
Because, im sick of being on a waiting list i've just gone for some private physio.

I'd actually prefer to be able to opt out of the NHS and just take private insurance.

Friend of mine had an injury for years. The NHS gave him equivilent over £10K of pain killers and anti-inflams to fob him off, thus damaging his kidneys and liver. Get an Xray, wait 5 months for results etc.etc.

In the end, he went private to BUPA and get it sorted for £1,600...... and they made a profit!!

Not knocking the staff, a lot are ok. But the NHS organisation is shit unless you are dying

Ted Rockson

Yeah, what a suprise...

02.07.2011 17:03

...the NHS can be a bit fucked, like all things that end up being run along capitalist lines where profit is put first.

But moaning about the NHS does nothing but give ammunition to those that want to sell it off and privatise it. Yeah, it's far from perfect as it is now, but that isn't the fault of the over worked and under paid staff but the goverment and management and some of the underlying faults that exist within society that the NHS just has too.

I'd be willing to bet the workers could run a more integrated, efficient, and caring NHS without most of the fuckers that currently make millions sitting in offices or parliament.

And yeah some people have a bad experience of the NHS, but I bet you that's ultimately due to external pressures put on it by the market (wages, times, lack of equipment, etc.) rather than the concept of free healthcare for all regardless of income/status being the problem.

And I'm currently on holiday in the US, and if you think you'd rather have a privatised system like there is here you're fucking stupid, rich or deluded, or maybe all three.

Anarchist healthcare worker

Reply to Ted "Sherlock Holmes" Rockson

03.07.2011 10:46

Assuming you're even telling the truth about the experiences you describe, the NHS has been under sustained attack from monetarist and free-market politicians for 30 years, so it's hardly surprising it fails to deliver sometimes, as rich and powerful people have been going out of their way to wreck the NHS for years. Thousands of people died from MRSA infections caused by the privatisation of NHS cleaning contracts in the 1980s, and the attacks have never stopped. The solution to this problem is not to take away even more funding and therefore to make the situation EVEN WORSE

As for whether you can opt out of the NHS, of course you can - just go private. As for whether you can get a tax refund, if you object to taxation, don't pay tax. Sure that's illegal, but you don't seem to be objecting to driving on roads paid for by taxation, benefitting from a education paid for by taxation, having murderers and rapists locked-up by a legal system that's funded by taxation, or are you? You also don't seem to realise not everyone has £1,600 quid they can afford to spend on BUPA

Right wing trolls.... shame they're so fucking stupid

NHS patient