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E-mail a Tory

BCC Field | 29.06.2011 20:53 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

During the build-up to the 2010 general election, Conservative Party leader David Cameron campaigned on the promise that (according to his campaign adverts) "I'll cut the deficit, not the NHS". Having tricked British people into voting for him, Cameron is now pursuing policies that demand £20 billion in "savings" from the most important public service that our taxes pay for.

Cameron Lying
Cameron Lying

During the build-up to the 2010 general election, Conservative Party leader David Cameron campaigned on the promise that (according to his campaign adverts) "I'll cut the deficit, not the NHS" (1). Having tricked British people into voting for him, Cameron is now pursuing policies that demand £20 billion in "savings" from the most important public service our taxes pay for (2). David Cameron LIED to secure people's votes, just like Nick Clegg LIED in promising not to increase university tuition fees. Any cuts in public services made before banks and multinationals have been taxed properly are just straight theft, and for many ordinary people the impact of that theft on public health services will inevitably become a matter of life and death.

The policies the Coalition are pursuing are not just un-democratic, they're anti-democratic. These policies are not only being imposed by a Coalition of 2 parties who both failed to win the general election, but, worse still, none of the people who did vote Tory and Lib-Dem did so in the belief that those parties would impose the cuts they're now pursuing.

Although rank-and-file Tory and Lib-Dem activists were lied to just as badly as everyone else was lied to, by doing anything less than actively opposing these cuts Tory and Lib-Dem supporters, MPs, councillors, staff and party activists all share a heavy burden of responsibility for their party's policies, and as long as you're not abusive, you have every right to contact them to discuss this. Here are some contact details, and since it's been shown that the government use fake names to answer public enquiries (3) feel free to return the favor by using pseudonymous e-mail accounts, web cafés, BCC fields and IP shielding etc to protect your own security, but still BE POLITE.

The e-mail addresses in these lists are culled from the main Conservative Party website, and from the Conservative Future, Conservative Women & Conservatives Abroad websites. Incidentally, if you want a measure of just how delusional some Tories can be, an article on the Conservative Future website describes the BNP not as the closet Nazis and Hitler worshippers everyone knows them to be, but as a party that "has its roots firmly planted on the far left of the political spectrum" (4).


Tory Activists,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Tory MEPs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Tory Welsh Assembly,,,,,,,,,,,,

Tory GLA,,,,,,,,,

Tory Board,,,,,,

Tory MSPs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Tory MPs,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Where available, constituency office e-mails are given instead of parliamentary offices

BCC Field


Hide the following 9 comments

And the rest

29.06.2011 21:37

Hey I hate the Tories and Lib Dems but don't forget the £20 billion cuts were Labour's idea so maybe people should email their Labour MPs too. Maybe we cannot trust any politicians or the electoral system that supports them.



The bloke above

29.06.2011 22:48



What the fuck ??

30.06.2011 00:08

Download: Riot - mp3 2.9M

emailing these goons will accomplish nothing. it's going to take real action, like riots, flash mobs, subversive shit like that. Not a bunch of coward fucking emails. take it to the streets and fuck some shit up or you'll end up sittin in front of your computer with nothing fucking happening. git off yer asses fuckers. git fucking busy.

Riot the unbeatable high.


Prison, the unbeatable low...

30.06.2011 06:52

As long as Hawk isn't encouraging people to take risks he doesn't routinely take himself, right? Seriously though, what this strategy's already helped achieve is govt U-turns on major right-wing policy strands like privatisation of forests and far more importantly on privatisation of the NHS. As for rioting, kicking-off too early, before all the troops have even got on board, let alone physically arrived (so to speak), successfully delivers strategic and tactical failure, lands activists in hospital and in jail and delivers a premature and crushing victory to the cops. In the mean time many different complementary strategies can be pursued.

Your comment

Response to Hawk

30.06.2011 06:57

Sorry, but what a load of patronising shite. The irony of Hawk's post is that his own post is the direct equivalent of "coward fucking emails", and what makes Hawk think that people who have the nous to use the power of modern communications aren't also out of picket lines and going on every demo?! Plonker........

Leaf Cutter

Has anyone wasted their time on the BNP link?

30.06.2011 08:48


Its fucking crazy, this guy must do more drugs than Chris Shale on a mid June festival binge!

How could the BNP possibly be considered left wing? I get that its a suiting fit for their propaganda to blame everything on the left (I'm not to bad at that myself actually!) but it can not honestly be spouted that the BNP are left wing.

He makes the point that to be able to beat your enemy politically you have to fully understand them and he can't even get the proper side of the political sphere right. There is a comment underneath that says that they call themselves "national socialists," the BNP are now a "hold our nose and enter the reichstag" party and would never describe themselves with such a loaded term - they'd save that for after they get elected!

Now I never had any faith that either the left or the right have the answer to combating Fascism but this is pure double speak. Although I don't know why I'd be surprised, coming from the party that gave us the above election poster.


hoping that hawk aint a cop

03.07.2011 18:16

'emailing these goons will accomplish nothing. it's going to take real action, like riots, flash mobs, subversive shit like that. Not a bunch of coward fucking emails. take it to the streets and fuck some shit up or you'll end up sittin in front of your computer with nothing fucking happening. git off yer asses fuckers. git fucking busy.'

i agree that action is what is needed. capitalism is not waiting around for the next lobbying group or a million petitions or whatever....fighting back is truly the way forward. and to be honest, you're email probably wont even be read and if it is, itl probably be binned or spammed.
try bricking in the local tory hq with an email attached to the brick, then it will get read, for sure...


The way to guarantee something won't wok is not to try it

04.07.2011 10:33

The £20 billion NHS cuts plan was originally created by NHS senior exec Sir David Nicholson, who, for around 20 years, was an activist member of the Communist Party of Great Britain!

As for whether e-mails work as a strategy, there is no strategy that's guaranteed to work in all circumstances, but the only way to guarantee something won't wok is not to try it.

I know from their replies that local party grunts (if not MPs) have been severely shaken by messages they've received, as often a polite but blunt wake-up call is what govt supporters need to disillusion them of the myths, rationalisations an excuses they use to justify their political positions to their own consciences.

If instead you're the kind of person who wants to encourage activists to risk imprisonment, we have to ask WHY you want to encourage activists to risk imprisonment? Is that because you really think bricks through windows will stop capitalists pursuing plans from which they stand to make tens of billions, or is that because your real motive is that you WANT to see activists in jail?
