J30: Strike and Demonstrations in Bristol and Beyond
imcvol | 28.06.2011 16:55

The nationwide strike action on June 30th by over 750,000 public sector workers is the biggest threat yet to this governments plan to make public sector workers pay for the economic crisis, with the likelihood that schools, colleges and government offices will be shut for the day.
While the banking sector has returned to enjoying the fruits of our labour, we are told that there is no alternative but to cut the services we depend on, and for public sector workers to pay more, work longer, and receive smaller pensions while bankers enjoy ever increasing bonuses.
In Bristol there will be a demonstration organised by the NUT, ATL and UCU, with other unions likely to join and support from groups such as the Bristol and District Anti-Cuts Alliance and the Bristol Anarchist Foundation . A march will start from College Green at 11.00, with a rally and music at Castle Park to follow. Around 5000 people are expected to turn up for what may well be the biggest protest the city will have seen since the outbreak of the Iraq war
In Taunton there will be an anti-cuts rally organised by NUT, ATL, UCU, and PCS and supported by Taunton Activist Collective
For updates on where actions are happening see the J30 site that provides links and call outs from across the country.
J30 Strike website | J30 Strike in Taunton | J30: Pensions March and Rally in Bristol | We Want Our Money Back: Tax Collection June 30th | Bristol Anarchist Federation Statement on the J30 Strike | BADACA on the J30 Strike
Original article on IMC Bristol: