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Extremist Conference in Tower Hamlets

Alliance of anti-racists | 21.06.2011 19:13

Yet another hate conference in Tower Hamlets...

On Saturday 9th July the extremist Islamic party, 'Hizb ut-Tahrir' will be holding their International Khilafah Conference in Tower Hamlets. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a fundamentalist worldwide organisation which discriminates against women, non-Muslims and homosexuals.

Concerned individuals will be holding a demonstration outside the venue, the Water Lily Complex, 69-89 Mile End Road, London E1 at 1pm, meeting at Stepney Green station at 12.45. Racists, fascists and Islamophobes not welcome.

Alliance of anti-racists


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EDL Event

21.06.2011 20:37

What a coincidence. The EDL is planning an event in the Hamlets during that time.


@ Hawk

22.06.2011 01:21

Are you implying that to be opposed to religion and religious beliefs you must be an EDL member? I have no idea whether the poster is, maybe it is an EDL troll there are enough but it's time the anti facist left stopped the PC bollocks of avoiding confronting religions, I'm anti facist, anti religious and anti-homophobic anti sexist, therefore I for one think it's a good idea to go to Tower Hamlets and make the presence of an anti fascist movement that isn't scared to voice it's opposition to Islam and to the EDL and to all peddlers of hateful trash. In a time when the far right is clouding it's fascism under the guise of anti radical Islamism, it's important to show an alternative to those who also feel that radical Islam (I also consider moderate Islam to be shit but at least there is some interesting and underlying ideas about fraternity and equality) is a crock of shit just like the hateful politics of the right, by dismissing posts like this and all sharing in and laughing at the painfully naive and misled EDL (you know which video I'm referring to) we make our selves look like snobby PC middle class toffs.

We speak of solidarity with those in the Middle East who are tying to create an none Islamist revolutionary movement but we undermine international solidarity, by failing to address the equally divisive and damaging effect backwards religious beliefs have.

Label me an Islamophobe if you will but I think it's time to start taking a composed and unified anti-fascist platform against all hateful and damaging beliefs and those who peddle them.



22.06.2011 02:20

as much as i agree with what you say the chances of antifa or any other group protesting this event is zero and you know it the muslim youth would batter you all round london please prove me wrong and get it organised no doubt weymen and martin would be at the front singing were black were white were asian and were jew and were gay would love to see the videos of this

any colour you like

Why o why

22.06.2011 07:43

Is it that every post likes this has somebody jump in and spout about 'the EDL' etc. People like antifa etc have to stand up and be counted. As for the likes of the UAF, having accused WAG of Islamophobia for complaining about 'The book that shook the world' conference we casn safetly assume that they are not anti fascist but rather just a swp front to sell papers and make students feel good.

We at NiceOnesUK are not afraid to oppose all such events, from the BNP to Hizb ut Tahrir we stand in defiance, we will not be scared away by the accusation of 'racism', you keep quiet if you want.


Iain Westland

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EDL will not be in Tower Hamlets that day

23.06.2011 18:38

Because we have 5 national demos on July 9th (that's right, 5 NATIONAL DEMOS ON THE SAME DAY). When EDL go into Tower Hamlets we will be ready for the muslims to riot -- just as the muslims did in Harrow in September 2009 (all because one man wanted to make a peaceful demonstration about the building of a new mosque - islam does not permit the subjugated dhimmis to speak).

So of course, NiceOnesUK will not be making any kind of protest at the Hizb ut Tahrir conference. When Peter Tatchell protested at the HuT conference 15 years ago, he was convicted under the Public Order Act AND threatened by the islamo-fascists that they would hunt him down and execute him. Quite a day for Peter that was.

Gay people have long ago given up hope that the spineless Left would stand up to the murderous homophobia of Hizb ut Tahria -- a party more extreme than the BNP, a party that gets up to 10,000 islamo-fascists at its London conferences, a party that no Left-wing group has ever protested against.

The Left is finished.

Joe Bloggs
EDL Gay Division

Joe Bloggs

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Er, Joe-

23.06.2011 20:17

How do you KNOW the Nice Ones won't be protesting, or also doing something about this prior to the planned conference? Are you our press agent now or something?

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