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Edl march in middelsbourgh

ANTIFASCIST | 16.06.2011 17:18 | Anti-racism | Liverpool | Sheffield

The idiots of the english defence league are planning to march though middelsbourgh on the 9th of july

The english defence league have announced they plan to march though middeslbourgh on the 9th of july
with little sign of the uaf preparing to do anything
local opposition should mount to oppose these racist bastards marching on our streets


there page claims it to be a "PEACEFULL PROTEST " But we know better than that

the edl drink get pissed then march a bunch of drunken fascist scum marching though our streets NO THANKS
oppose the racist scum

- Homepage: Fuck the edl


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Know your enemy

16.06.2011 20:27

They are also in Halifax, Cambridge, Plymouth and Derby on the very same day. And while all that is happening, guess who's doing a hate conference in London?

Doubt we'll see any 'anti fash' at this though eh?

Sarky twat

local opposition?

16.06.2011 21:20

recent uaf demos have amounted to nothing, weyman bennett and martin smith(suspected government agents) have put all the anti fascists off attending demos., and reduced the anti fascist industry to a joke

le boucher


17.06.2011 16:16

Suspected government agents? Really? What kind of grounds for suspicion are there?
Perhaps their involvement in an organisation that actively agitates against the Con-Dem government and propagandizes for revolution? Perhaps their ever-so-suspicious ruses as key SWP activists? MY GOD YOU'RE ONTO SOMETHING.

UAF are faced with Hope Not Hate eating away at the groups that initially funded them, HNH are clearly great at organizing during elections against the far-right, but it is the UAF that are needed to mobilize against the EDL threat.



23.06.2011 21:17

Unfortunately, despite there activism, the UAF have organised the most disempowering counter demos. They have negotiated with Police to "allow" themselves to be kettled in a sterile fenced off area from which they can shout "whose streets - our streets"!!! This is not effective. I don't know what the answer is - but local communities should be defended from the threat of racist violence wherever the EDL raise their ugly heads. Sadly the UAF approach does not challenge them... it is disempowering and numbers have dwindled. Who wants to be fenced in for three hours watching equally fenced in racist bastards getting drunk and waving flags.

Giuseppe Pinelli