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Sunderland Working Class Bookfair June 18th

Commander of the Armies of the North | 15.06.2011 23:32 | Analysis | History | Social Struggles | Liverpool | Sheffield

The latest Working Class Bookfair will take place in Sunderland on Saturday the 18th of june, 11-5pm, followed by early evening music from the Summer Tumblers.
Books, barbecues, beer, soft drinks and good company should make for a good day out.

The next Working Class Bookfair will take place on;
Saturday the 18th of June 2011 in Sunderland.
33 Silksworth Row Sunderland, Tyne And Wear SR1 3QJ

The developing economic crisis, unemployment, struggles against cuts, the large demonstration in London & the Black Bloc, an organising assembly is set for 2pm, and the way forward for the movement after June 30th are going to be topics for debate over soft drinks, Tea & coffee, beer, and not forgetting the all important meat & veggie barbecues. To be followed with a band early evening, folk rock and more.

For further information and a stall call; 07931301901.
Tyne & Wear Left Unity, Sunderland Against the Cuts, Sunderland Welfare Action group, Industrial Workers of the World, SPGB, Class War, CWO, SWP, Mayday books, North East Anarchists, and UKUNCUT are invited. We wanted to invite the Black Bloc, but couldn't find them;)

Commander of the Armies of the North


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Commander of armies of the north?

16.06.2011 10:04

South of the Tyne mebbie. :-)

Sub-commandante Lill Burn, Shiremoor Angry Column

working class? my arse

16.06.2011 12:11

working class bookfair? swp/classwar and anarchists, working class people, bullshit it`s group of commie and anarchist muppets that do not represent working class people

enzo catania


16.06.2011 21:55

If I come along will I have to bring my own whippet, wear clogs and use a nosegay?

Cos don't proles smell?

But I am excited because proles want flogging and hanging for criminals brought back for criminals and I might be able to see some wretch being hung and / or flogged


Nice one, Sunderland

21.06.2011 21:02

Hope this goes well and that there are a nice mix of different folks there (including the inevitable SWP) and that it attracts the curious as well as the usual suspects.

Although, wish there had been some folk up for organising something similar when I lived there over 10 years ago.

Nice one to those who organised it.

In solidarity.

Ex-Sunderland Dweller