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The Truth About Libya !

Peter Wiegand | 15.06.2011 13:14 | Guantánamo | Analysis | Repression | Terror War | Cambridge

German Foreign Minister Violates Libya's Sovereignty, Visits Benghazi Terrorists .... African revolutionary leader: Germany now open for Africans without visas ....... German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle arrived in the city of Benghazi in Eastern Libya which has been held to ransom by Islamist rebels fighting against the Libyan government, in violation of Libya's sovereignty. Westerwelle did not seek permission from the Libyan government nor obtain any visa for his visit.

Foreign Minister Violates Libya's Sovereignty
Foreign Minister Violates Libya's Sovereignty

The leader of the African revolution told Mathaba that this opens the way for Africans to enter Germany without visas and to hold meetings with any terrorists on German territory because relations between nations should be based on reciprocity.

The German foreign minister had visited Malta prior to his illegal entry into Libyan territory in violation of the no-fly zone which is now being enforced by the Libyan Defense Forces.

Four helicopters have already been shot down while confirmation is being sought of a further downing of NATO aircraft that are violating the Libyan No Fly Zone. ....... MORE: ....... Westerwelle, who was accompanied by senior German government officials, entered Libyan African airspace on an official German C-130 aircraft and transferred to a military transport airplane in Malta.

Malta, by allowing illegals to enter Libya via its territory may be held legally liable to future costs arising from its failure to enforce international legal regulations concerning the transit of persons in violation of applicable laws and regulations. From: Mathaba ...

The Truth About Libya .....

GERMANY: Berlin, Samstag,18. Juni 2011, Protest gegen Libyenkrieg: Manifestation für Libyen und die Einhaltung des Völkerrechtes ........ Die 1974 einstimmig von der UNO-Vollversammlung angenommene Definition der Aggression ist im hochaktuellen Sinne ein wichtiges Dokument des Völkerrechts, das damals hauptsächlich auf Initiative der sozialistischen Staaten und der Staaten der Befreiungsbewegung angenommen wurde. Darin spiegeln sich die vielfältig bitteren Erfahrungen der Menschheit mit Aggressionskriegen im Interesse der Gewährleistung der Souveränitätsrechte der Völker sowie der notwendigen dauerhaften und verlässlichen Friedensicherung in der Welt. Diese Definition eines Angriffskrieges ist sozusagen eine Absage an jegliche Vorwände und Scheinausreden für Aggressionshandlungen und zielte darauf, Kriege künftig aus dem Leben der Völker der Welt zu verbannen. ..... M E H R:

Peter Wiegand


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International Law from the Nuremburg Trials 1945-46

16.06.2011 21:02

The U.S. Judge Jackson who chaired the anti-fascist Trials wrote into International Law that the planning and doing of aggressive war is the worst international crime on the Planet Earth as it actuates all other crimes high, low, big or small. He further says it is the supreme international crime whether German7y does it or the U.S.A. does it.

Union Jack

the liberal fascination for dictators

17.06.2011 07:59

the constant appearance on this site of material embracing genocidal dictators and tyrants the world over, on the proviso that they are in (temporary) opposition to American interests. Is both deeply racist, in that basic human rights and liberty are considered unnecessary for people with darker skins, who are expected to embrace their tyrants in common struggle, and reveal the blood lust that hides behind the liberal trot mentality, unable to conceive of a world without the powerful in charge they embrace any tyrranny no matter how vicious in their desire to self flaggeation and then revel in the blood that flows. Remember the comfortable intellectuals who praised and alibiied Pol Pot, and who shut their eyes to the massacre of Srebenesia? remember the chants of 'victory to Saddam' and 'we are all hebollah'?

no state, no masters

O.I.L - oil, israel, logistics

17.06.2011 16:14

As regards Libya and truth, it might be worth having a listen to what Cynthia Mckinney has to say on the subject as she is/has been on a fact finding mission - very interesting. She has done various interviews on utube for RT etc


Materialist truth should expose the U.S. Oil Monopolies, and BP oil Monopolies.

17.06.2011 23:54

As to the source of the unjust war of Aggression against Libya it should be brought to mind that the story begins when the British and American Oil Monopolies discovered oil in Libya in 1959. They then put in a puppet king Ibris to rule so that the Oil monopolies would get away without paying royalties to the people of Libya. The particular kind of oil is called pure sweet crude, in that it requires the littlest of cost to refine. There is 47,000,000,000 est. barrels. In 1969 colnel Cddaffi nationalized the oil and booted out the British and American Oil monopolies and then began to give the royalties to the African Unoin and the Libyan people, which included free medicine and education and guaranteed work for all.

Union Jack