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My Life My Struggle

tom | 14.06.2011 13:55

Mukhtar Mai gained her prominence as a champion of women's rights in 2002 when she challenged the Pakistani gender status quo by demanding reparations for the violence and trauma of the state-sanctioned gang rape she suffered. This inspirational international speaker visits Bristol on Wednesday 15th June
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Bristol Muslim Women's Network, in partnership with Humdard, is very pleased to welcome to Bristol the Internationally renowned figure, Mukhtar Mai, to speak about her inspirational journey on Wednesday 15th June at 12.30pm at Humdard Centre, St Pauls BS2 9JN.

Mukhtar Mai gained her prominence as a champion of women's rights in 2002 when she challenged the Pakistani gender status quo by demanding reparations for the violence and trauma of the state-sanctioned gang rape she suffered. Using the government compensations allocated to her, Mukhtar Mai opened two schools in her village, operating under the banner of “ending oppression through education.

Through her unprecedented act of courage, Mukhtar Mai is now a leading example of women in her native country and around globe. She has been awarded the Fatima Jinnah gold medal for her bravery by the Pakistani government and in 2006 was listed by Time magazine in the 100 most influential people in the world.

- Original article on IMC Bristol: