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No To Nazi Bands In Islington!

notthebbc | 08.06.2011 21:53 | Anti-racism


Slimelight (Electrowerkz)
7 Torrens Street, Islington
London, United Kingdom

Love Music Hate Racism and sister organisation, Unite Against Fascism, has discovered that 4 bands with clear fascist ties are performing at Slimelight (or Electrowerkz) in Islington on 25 June.

LMHR and UAF have called a protest outside the venue that evening.

Tony Wakeford, leading member of Sol Invictus, is an ex-member of the National Front as well as founding member of known fascist bands Death in June and Above the Ruins. He continues to move in fascist circles.

The other acts performing also have a similarly connected history. These acts use racist lyrics and samples in their songs, as well as abstracted Nazi symbolism in their artwork (see this link for a detailed description and history of all acts involved:

The well-known Nazi organisation Stormfront also has the event promoted on their website and states that their members will be attending the event (

Despite frequent contact and full info given, Slimelight are uninterested in cancelling the event.

LMHR believes that the use of fascist symbols, slogans and lyrics in music not only undermines those that have suffered and died under the attack of fascism in our history, but also seeks to attack our celebrated multicultural society.

We urge all music lovers and anti-fascists to come and protest - and say NO to racism and fascism in our clubs!



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Is this worth the effort?

09.06.2011 06:55

Tony Wakeford's lucky if CD sales for his turgid neofolk crap get into the hundreds these days. If a dozen people turn out to the protest they'll probably outnumber those at the gig. Most of those attending won't be fash anyway.

Crazy Barry

leave the goths alone!

11.06.2011 00:09

how would you like a load of nazi's protesting outside your next SWP billy brag fundraiser?

joe blogs

Stop this nonsense now, for God's sake.

25.06.2011 00:45

This is all rubbish — sorry, but I should know. I was there at the beginning and now I’m sick of it all. I like neo-folk — who do you think got Current 93 on the bill at Ray Davies’ Meltdown? Me. The Slimelight bands are not racists or Nazis, and no twisted dredging-up of 20-year-old internet crap will change that. The anti-neo-folk crusade, the ‘Who Makes the Nazis’ blog and the anti-Slimelight campaign is entirely a personal and vindictive obsession of the bloodthirsty Count Stewart Home and his loyal, half-cocked Renfield, Karl Blake (who used to have a career 20 years ago until he succumbed to mental illness and Stewart's manipulation). STop f**king about boys — I’M SERIOUS! Go and do something useful politically or artistically. Quit stirring up hate! STOP wasting everybody's time.
So, that said — WHO ARE THE REAL ‘USEFUL IDIOTS’? You?
