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Direct action against airport expansion in the United States

Ant | 07.06.2011 12:24 | Climate Chaos | World

In October 2011, leading UK organizers John Stewart and Dan Glass will cross the U.S., sharing the real story of one of the biggest climate battles of the past decade as part of the 'Aviation Justice Express'.

British politicians and aviation lobbyists had no idea what was in store for them as they plotted to massively grow London’s Heathrow Airport, the busiest in Europe. Neighbors and climate activists fought to save homes and fight climate change, kicking off a 10-year campaign against the industry responsible for 13% of U.K. CO2. Activists will learn how British direct action activists and conservative politicians teamed up to shut down Big Aviation’s plans to grow at any cost–environmental, social, economic.

Tour stops will like include New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Seattle.

JOHN STEWART was a key organizer in the successful decade-long campaign to stop the expansion of London's Heathrow Airport. He was named Britain’s most effective green activist by the Independent on Sunday for bringing together aviation-impacted communities, climate activists, and fiscal conservatives. Before that he was a leading member of the anti-roads movement which, though intense direct action protests in the 1990's, succeeded in derailing the Conservative government’s transport policy.

DAN GLASS was named one of the U.K.'s youth climate leaders by the Guardian and one of Attitude magazine’s 66 new role models for helping bridge LGBTQ and environmental justice movements. The grandson of four Holocaust survivors, he’s best known for having superglued himself to the Prime Minister to draw attention to communities impacted by aviation climate change. He is currently appealing against his conviction for breaking into Aberdeen airport as part of the 'Climate 9' in 2010.

Campaigners in the U.S. are confident that the presence of these campaigners will be a major boost to their efforts to launch their own direct action movement against airport expansion.

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Not that easy to get a visa!

07.06.2011 13:32

I have been convicted of aggravated trespass during a protest and was refused a visa to the United States. I cannot imagine that they are going to let either Dan or John get into the States on tourist visas – given that it is in effect their jobs – and Dan’s convictions will also make it virtually impossible.

And why even announce the details and set up this website before they are Stateside? The FBI will probably have already picked up on this protest and alerted Homeland Security to stop them.


Video-conferencing , perhaps?

07.06.2011 13:40

Even if they get a visa travelling to the USA is not a good idea.

We criticise companies for their reliance of ‘business travel’ and argue that instead they should use video-conferencing – a concept recommended by the Plane Stupid website!

I appreciate the value of a face-to-face meeting but the CO2 that they are going to pump into the atmosphere, even if they are planning to go by boat, cannot surely be justified given that they are ultimately campaigning against junk travel.

John Stewart has already been criticised in the British media for flying to Italy to address an anti-aviation meeting and Dan Glass was ridiculed in the Scottish media when he revealed to an undercover reporter (while working as a make escort) that he would be happy to jet around the world with clients.
