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War on Terror - The Obama Years

Cageprisoners | 07.06.2011 01:24 | Terror War | World

Cageprisoners host a fundraising evening in Cardiff to discuss the impact of the War on Terror during the presidency of Barack Obama. All are welcome to attend.

War on Terror - The Obama Years

Lauren Booth - journalist and patron of CP
Yvonne Ridley - journalist and patron of CP
Moazzam Begg - ex-Guantanamo detainee and director of CP
Shaykh Ashi - Imam of Dar-ul-Isra

We afraid that Lowkey will no longer be able to perform at our event due to a conflict with another he will be attending on that date. Our apologies for anye disappointment.

Date: 11 June 2011
Time: 5pm - 9:30pm
Venue: Cardiff City Hall

Ticket Price: £10
Tickets can be purchased from the Essence of Islam
Ticket Line: 02920489884
Media enquiries: 02031674416

Sponsored by:
Essence of Islam
Muslim Council of Wales
Eastern Cuisine Wales

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  1. £10 is a lot — rex