Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda By Zahir Ebrahim
Project | 04.06.2011 02:41 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | World
Today, fact and fiction have been merged to such an alarming degree with adept perception control that to be able to rationally separate them, to tell what is mere imagery of the Mighty Wurlitzer vs. the actual interconnected causal reality (cause and effect) of statecraft, can be as uncongenial to the cognitive mind as depicted by Plato for the prisoners bred in the underground cave since birth. The fact that the most brilliant minds remain unable to tell that 9/11 was an 'Operation Canned Goods' even ten years into its vile enactment while America descends into a police-state in presumed reaction to it, demonstrates that it is not the brain hardware which is malfunctioning, but the brain software!
Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda
Zahir Ebrahim | Project
Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, began his seminal 1928 book simply titled Propaganda, with these ominous words:
'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.' --- Edward Bernays, 1928, pg.1, Propaganda
Aldous Huxley, on the 30th anniversary of his own seminal 1931 allegorical novel Brave New World, made the following dreadful observations in the very opening segment of his talk on the Ultimate Revolution upon which mankind and modernity are perilously perched:
'You can do everything with bayonets except sit on them! If you are going to control any population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent. It's exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely. It can function for a fairly long time, but I think sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion. An element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. Well, it seems to me that the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude! This is the, it seems to me the ultimate in malevolent revolution shall we say.' --- Aldous Huxley, 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, minute 04:06
In order to understand how the comprehension of both Edward Bernays and Aldous Huxley, though both long dead, still manifests itself in these times, we must begin with the Mighty Wurlitzer.
What is the 'Mighty Wurlitzer'?
It used to be the honorific of Frank Wisner, the first chief of political warfare for the Central Intelligence Agency, used to describe the C.I.A.’s plethora of front organizations and newsmedia stooges that he was capable of playing (like a great organ with many keyboards) for synthesizing any propaganda tune that was needed for the day. See Operation Mockingbird ( ) (PDF).
The fact that such an omnipresent Message-Machine is not ancient history but very much current affairs, is underscored by this NYT headline “Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand”, Sunday, April 20, 2008 ( ).
Therefore, today, I use the term 'Mighty Wurlitzer' as a metaphor to pluralistically refer to the same message-machine, i.e., the intelligence apparatus for manufacturing consent and controlling dissent, and its concomitant conscious manipulation of peoples' thoughts, feelings, actions and in-actions, in order to serve the primacy interests of the ruling-elite. The latter are, invariably, also the de facto owners of the complete messaging-system now even more globally ubiquitous than when Frank Wisner played the world for a fool.
This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.
What this means is that not all who willingly cooperate with the Mighty Wurlitzer in synchronistically humming its themes are knowingly being purveyors of its myths and deception. Many of its most shrill echoers are often well intentioned functionaries who are fed different motivating myths at different levels in the hierarchy – sometimes the lie is different at every level – such that it suitably motivates each according to their own predilection, professional station, and mission statement.
The Mighty Wurlitzer operates on the core premise which has been empirically shown to psychologically motivate most human action. That premise was elegantly captured in the following insightful observation made at the so called “Terrorism Study Group”, that
“'Public Assumptions' Shape Views of History: Such presumptions are beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community. The sources for such presumptions are both personal (from direct experience) and vicarious (from books, movies, and myths).”
Successfully implanting such presumptions and pre-suppositions among any group is to motivate its overall actions in accordance with those implanted beliefs. Thus, many intelligent peoples for whom it is otherwise inexplicable to understand why they persist in 'United We Stand' with absurdities, are motivated to react sympathetically to those absurdities.
To barely catch a glimpse of how it's partially done, the following description by Col. Fletcher Prouty from the Preface to the first edition of his 1973 book “The Secret Team” is instructive (PDF book):
'There is another category of writer and self-proclaimed authority on the subjects of secrecy, intelligence, and containment. This man is the suave, professional parasite who gains a reputation as a real reporter by disseminating the scraps and "Golden Apples" thrown to him by the great men who use him. This writer seldom knows and rarely cares that many of the scraps from which he draws his material have been planted, that they are controlled leaks, and that he is being used, and glorified as he is being used, by the inside secret intelligence community.
Allen Dulles had a penchant for cultivating a number of such writers with big names and inviting them to his table for a medieval style luncheon in that great room across the hall from his own offices in the old CIA headquarters on the hill overlooking Foggy Bottom. Here, he would discuss openly and all too freely the same subjects that only hours before had been carefully discussed in the secret inner chambers of the operational side of that quiet Agency. In the hands of Allen Dulles, "secrecy" was simply a chameleon device to be used as he saw fit and to be applied to lesser men according to his schemes. It is quite fantastic to find people like Daniel Ellsberg being charged with leaking official secrets simply because the label on the piece of paper said "top secret," when the substance of many of the words written on those same papers was patently untrue and no more than a cover story. Except for the fact that they were official lies, these papers had no basis in fact, and therefore no basis to be graded top secret or any other degree of classification. Allen Dulles would tell similar cover stories to his coterie of writers, and not long thereafter they would appear in print in some of the most prestigious papers and magazines in the country, totally unclassified, and of course, cleverly untrue.
In every case, the chance for complete information is very small, and the hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story is at best a very slim one. Certainly, history teaches us that one truth will add to and enhance another; but let us not forget that one lie added to another lie will demolish everything. This is the important point. Consider the past half century. How many major events -- really major events -- have there been that simply do not ring true? How many times has the entire world been shaken by alarms of major significance, only to find that the events either did not happen at all, or if they did, that they had happened in a manner quite unlike the original story?'
Coldly implicit in Col. Prouty's afore-quoted empirical statement: “and the hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story is at best a very slim one”, is the Machiavellian notion of sewing faits accomplis in current affairs by straight-jacketing all public discourse in deception, and leaving the ferreting out of 'truth' to future generation of scholars and historians when separating myths from the calculus of hegemony can at best only be a bogus academic exercise entirely irrelevant to reversing the faits accomplis already sewn. See Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science ( ). Also see Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda: Making Sense of Absurdities ( ).
Wikileaks and the Mighty Wurlitzer driving Imperial Mobilization
A pertinent example of Col. Fletcher Prouty's fabricated leaks noted above, is the Wikileaks' July 2010 disclosures of 'The Afghanistan Papers' which revealed nothing new.
Wikileaks has always been a rather transparent Mighty Wurlitzer ops. It is trivial to see through the absurdity of its existence despite it promoting itself as being a sort of watchdog upon the empire, and therefore, ostensibly, being inimical to its unbridled quest for “full spectrum dominance” – just like Al Jazeera television based in Qatar, which too, absurdly enough, is permitted to function unhindered in the same nation as America's CENTCOM headquarters. Would it not be trivial for an armed to the teeth National Security State to take-out either apparatus rather trivially? And that may happen once the useful idiots have outlived their utility, for he who sups with the devil must have a long spoon!
The reason each is allowed to function is of course social engineering, the sine qua non for waging modern warfare upon civilian populations by way of deception. It spans the entire gamut of engineering consent, from mantra creation in the mainstream and diabolically controlling dissent in order to control all opposition, to actually fabricating the visible pretexts which can naturally ripen the conditions for the mantra of “clash of civilizations” to be called real before the Western public in order to sustain the otherwise untenable “imperial mobilization”. Zbigniew Brzezinski had most succinctly summed up this motivation in his book The Grand Chessboard – American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives: “Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization”.
How can one tell manufactured reportage and fabricated leaks from the real stuff? How can one see through the Mighty Wurlitzer?
As daunting as it might appear to the mainstream television watcher, it is in fact rather straightforward for those unencumbered by blind faith in governments and its statecraft. Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state.
Furthermore, look for some of the lauded dissent names rushing to support the Limited Hangout – just as it was with Daniel Ellsberg for his infamous Pentagon Papers – to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption. For, it matters not which side one takes, as both sides are patently false, crafted of calculated omissions and half-truths that retain core-lies, right out of the text book of the Technique of Infamy : invent two lies and keep the public busy debating which of them is true!
The role of crafty omissions in fabricating propaganda was best captured by Aldous Huxley in his Preface to Brave New World thusly:
‘The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an “iron curtain” between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. But silence is not enough. If persecution, liquidation and the other symptoms of social friction are to be avoided, the positive sides of propaganda must be made as effective as the negative.’ — Aldous Huxley, Preface (circa 1946) to Brave New World, 1931, Harper, pg. 11
To uncover omissions in a discourse is very difficult for the public who do not often have command over the domain in which the falsehoods are being perpetuated. Which is why ignorance, and being trusting of authority figures and the state, are the pre-requisites for any vile propaganda to succeed! A well-bred lack of skepticism to authority figures, whether to mainstream leaders in politics and experts in scientific disciplines, or to dissenting chiefs playing controlled opposition, thus becomes the heart of social engineering. This is also why “leaking” information from “experts” and “insiders” commands such a premium in Machiavellian statecraft. When used judiciously so as not to dilute its impact, it can herd the flock in pretty much any direction that is desired.
As further empirically evidenced in the forensic analysis presented here, these so called whistleblowing of leaky buckets also succeed in accomplishing two important elements of statecraft:
vicariously reinvigorate in the short-term public memory, the already established-by-fiat facts and core-axioms of empire;
establish new convenient facts on the ground which are subsequently accepted as revealed gospel truths because of the already established thought-stream by the scholars of empire that when something is held in secret or is classified and subsequently declassified, or is prematurely leaked to the public, that it must contain some genuine “state secrets”, and never red herrings. Such thought-streams enable the directives of NSC 10/2 for plausible deniability (and those like it which we do not know about) to be trivially impressed upon the public mind (see Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory). These revelations of presumed “state-secrets” subsequently become the new unquestioned backdrops for both state policies and public discourses – the new “doctrinal motivations” – with copious help from the Mighty Wurlitzer's refined machinery.
This enables the successful deployment of pre-planned policy prescriptions which craftily impel the various incantations of hegemony forward in baby-steps. Both, domestically by incrementally clamping down hard on rising discontent in the name of “national security”, and internationally by continuing to wage unpopular wars of preemption upon the 'untermenschen'. The infernal enemy has now been (re)confirmed to exist (despite popular skepticism) since even empire's own henchmen in their secret documents also affirm that belief (sic!). Speak of self-servingly suffering from a incestuously self-reinforced “crippled epistemology”!
Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book The Grand Chessboard, un-abashedly explained the need for such invigorations of the public mind in the following majestic words, betraying his immense knowledge of Machiavellian statecraft's reliance on social engineering:
“Public opinion polls suggest that only a small minority (13 percent) of Americans favor the proposition that 'as the sole remaining superpower, the US should continue to be the preeminent world leader in solving international problems'. ... Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. .... More generally, cultural change in America may also be uncongenial to the sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power. That exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification.” (page 211 and onwards, PDF book)
Predictably, with rising skepticism among the public, more “harmful leaks” will occur, but understandably none which are actually substantial, like blowing the lid on 9/11 as an inside job, directly naming the top beneficiaries who shorted the Airline stocks raking in billions, or revealing how BBC came to report the demolition of WTC-7 a full 20 minutes before it actually transpired, never mind lending confirmation to any of the forensic detective work by independent researchers from the debris of 9/11, etceteras. And the main leaker du jour, Mr. patsy Julian Assange, like Mr. patsy Lee Harvey Oswald before him, will be sacrificed, perhaps with a new 'lone gunmen' enactment, or perhaps juridically, to lend the hoopla even more public respectability. Also see Dismantling the Fiction of 'Former' and 'Ex' Intelligence – Zahir Ebrahim's Response to Philip Giraldi.
It’s the exact same recipe as is used by all the other fabricated and controlled dissent assets of empire when they are not outright spinning patent lies, for spinning half-truths requires far more brilliance. One can already see the main dissent-chiefs of the West, like the venerable professor Noam Chomsky, anointed by the New York Times as “arguably the most important intellectual alive”, and the distinguished Daniel Ellsberg, excitedly supporting these Wikileaks exposés as if something ethereal was “revealed in the Sinai”.
It is not for nothing that James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974, is quoted in the 1992 BBC-2 Documentary on Operation Gladio: “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State”. See: Angleton (1917 - 1987). Manufacturing Dissent with controlled opposition is an indispensable core construct of that very statecraft of deception. See: 'Manufacturing Dissent: Weapons of Mass Deception – The Master Social Science'.
With the preceding backdrop for overarching context, let's examine what I believe has been accomplished by Wikileaks in its service to empire's “War on Terrorism”. Please see “What is War on Terror?” ( ) before proceeding further if you are only familiar with its rational insanity in empire's Newspeak. Meaning, the 'War on Terror' is not irrational. It is firmly rooted in the rational political science of “imperial mobilization”.
The core-lies retained in the Wikileaks' July 2010 disclosures – which I call 'the Afghanistan Papers' – is to once again reaffirm that there is a real nemesis called “Osama Bin Laden”, that the “war on terror” is real, that it is being inflicted upon the West from Pakistan-Iran nexus, and to re-substantiate the handoff of former President George W. Bush's clairvoyance to the Obama Administration that “If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan”! That, when such a “planned” attack transpires, it “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison”. See: ‘Bin Laden’: Key enabler of “imperial mobilization” and nuclear attack on Iran-Pakistan ( ).
The successful handoff of “imperial mobilization” to Pakistan and Iran, now further sprightly underscored by Wikileaks' documents, is once again demonstrated by President Obama's Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's July 2010 remark to the BBC as quoted by Reuters: “There are still additional steps that we are asking and expecting the Pakistanis to take. But there is no doubt in anyone's mind that should an attack against the United States be traced to be Pakistani, it would (have) a very devastating impact on our relationship”. And that is merely just another echo from the Obama Administration of what the Pakistanis themselves have been made to parrot the past 9 years, as demonstrated by its own Ambassador's remark in 2008:
'[On] Wednesday, a media report quoted Pakistan’s envoy to Washington as saying that US leaders had warned Islamabad that if the United States suffered an attack that was traced back to Pakistan Washington would retaliate. “Those (statements) have been made,” Ambassador Hussain Haqqani told editors and reporters at The Washington Post. “We want to make sure that it doesn’t come to that.”' -- DAWN, June 12, 2008
To show Pakistan's unflinching willingness to do as much more as was asked, the Ambassador of Pakistan had further stated in an interview to Reuters in 2008:
'Pakistan would attack Osama bin Laden the moment it had reliable intelligence on the Al Qaeda leader's whereabouts, Ambassador Husain Haqqani said on Wednesday. Haqqani also said he was confident Pakistan could help foil any Al Qaeda plans to attack the United States, although he did not know of any right now. “A cooperative effort between all the allies, and that includes Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States and NATO – I think we can thwart any potential plans for an attack,” Haqqani said in an interview with Reuters.
He said Pakistani intelligence had helped defeat many of the “several dozen” Al Qaeda plots detected worldwide since the September 11, 2001, attacks, but government officials knew of no immediate threats to the United States. Haqqani said Pakistan would act on its own against Al Qaeda if necessary. “If Pakistan, Afghanistan or the United States had specific intelligence on the location of Osama bin Laden, they would have acted on it. No reservations would have come in the way of action on that, and none will even in the future,” he said. “If any of us had that actionable intelligence we would all act. We would act separately, we would act in tandem, we would act cooperatively – we would act.”' -- DAWN, June 12, 2008
So, could these self-serving 'Afghanistan Papers' have been any more convenient as a casus belli, carrying forth the same core-lies now entering its tenth year? If Wikileaks' dramatization grabbing all the world's headlines isn't an officially sponsored “modified limited hangout” for exactly that purpose of reinforcing the core-lies, then the White House not even bothering to stop the New York Times – whose own motto is 'All the news that's fit to print' – from publishing it, even giving it “all got gold stars” as the Salon put it on July 26, 2010, is downright inexplicable:
“So, uh ... why was all of this information classified and top secret? If it's old news, and it just confirms what "everyone" already knows, what was the rationale for keeping it classified and calling WikiLeaks all sorts of mean names for publishing it?”
What would it matter afterwards, after Iran and Pakistan have been bombed, what were lies and what was truth? Did the bogus mea culpa by the 2005 Presidential Commission on intelligence failure, the Iraq Study Group's disingenuous conclusion: “We conclude that the intelligence community was dead wrong in almost all of its prewar judgments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. This was a major intelligence failure,” reverse the decimation of Iraq? Did the New York Times 2008 revelation of Pentagon's Message Machine after 'all the barbers in town already knew it', return back to its silos each and every cruise missile that was dropped upon the innocent civilians of Iraq?
That is the real import of the craftsmanship of the Mighty Wurlitzer! To engineer a fait accompli by manufacturing consent among the gullible masses and dissent among the rabble rousers, leaving future scholars, historians, and the odd malcontent to laudingly study the ashes left behind by “history's actors”. A diabolical modus operandi of democratic statecraft which the Mighty Wurlitzer's operators even brazenly brag about:
'“We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”' (Ron Suskind, New York Times, Oct. 17, 2004)
It is now patently obvious with the Obama Administration officially declaring Osama Bin Laden killed in an American raid on May 1, 2011, why Wikileaks had to “leak” the officialdom's belief that he was still alive in July 2010! It is all too evident that some mileage is being derived by officially burying that nemesis at sea, a thousand miles from where they proclaim they killed him in an ambush in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Conveniently, it was in Pakistan and not Afghanistan that mankind's toughest and most resourceful nemesis was found and killed. The color coded threat alerts instantly went up worldwide. Pakistan Navy presumably already suffered a bizarre revenge attack on its naval base in Karachi from Ali Baba's elusive organization still intact, and now even more formidable than ever before. And its base of operation? Of course Pakistan!
Just as George W. Bush Jr., had intimated was the new Terror Central: “If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan”!
Perhaps Ali Baba's replacement nemesis will be a Super Ali Baba plus plus? What can it be? Can we shrewdly anticipate and prepare for the next tune of the Mighty Wurlitzer rather than be shell-shocked into acquiescence by its phantasmic unveiling?
The following passage from the 2500 years old Art of War is pertinent backdrop to the aforementioned chutzpah of empire – a zeitgeist which evidently excels in the ex post facto narration by scholars and historians of what is already fait accompli, often to the thunderous applause of both, the instruments of the antagonists awarding them high honors, and amidst the fawning adulation of the protagonists having their 'ah hah' moments:
'8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done!"
10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.'
Paying particular attention to item 10., one may conclude that to perceive in a timely manner that which is not obvious to others leads to many tactical as well as strategic advantages, both in the battle of war and secrecy, and in the battle for liberty. The public and their lauded dissent is kept busy in puppetshows when it is most essential that they be sighted and effective in derailing imperial mobilization.
And when, or if, some among them ever wakeup to accept that it was indeed all a puppetshow, it is inevitably too late to do anything about the matter except to “study” it, as even coldly snickered to the so called watchdogs upon the corridors of power, the almighty press, by the “history's actors” themselves!
The same principle of temporal urgency in maintaining utmost deception and secrecy while “new realities” are being planned, orchestrated, and harvested, was articulated by Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince. The modern day version of this statecraft being the National Security Council Directive NSC 10/2 for creating cover stories and red herrings alongside covert operations. See Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory ( ).
As part of that plan to deflect public attention, those attempting to see through its fog of deception when a fait accompli can still be averted – before missiles have left their silos, before pen has been put to tortuous legalisms – are variously labeled as 'kooks', 'conspiracy theorists', 'delusional', 'denier', etc., their efforts infiltrated (as in cointelpro) and energies defocussed by introducing what's cynically called “beneficial cognitive diversity”.
What's Next?
The Alien-UFO Agenda is one such future fait accompli in the works which can still be averted by the public becoming rationally informed about the demonic art of the Mighty Wurlitzer. The fact that:
references to UFOs even made it into one of Wikileaks whistleblowing disclosures;
the fact that the FBI recently made available a 1950 Roswell UFO memo lending “UFOs” a legitimacy in the gullible mind by way of it being held as a supposed “state-secret” for these past sixty years;
and the uptick in bogus conversations on Aliens and UFO even appearing in the mainstream press, not to mention its unrelenting repetition in the so called “alternate media” and on the internet;
all indicate that its unveiling time is likely approaching near. This too will surely also be launched with “either you are with us, or with the aliens” false dialectics! See: Letter to Kerry Cassidy on the Alien-UFO Agenda and The Agenda Behind Aliens and UFOs - A Hegelian Mind-Fck Part-II ( ).
The Psychology of Fear
In order to perceptively comprehend the psychological basis of such absurd and fabricated threats which instill existential fears, and
whose import to enabling “imperial mobilization” was clearly envisaged by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1996 in The Grand Chessboard:
“It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is defense spending), and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” (pgs. 35-36);
whose raison d'être as the primary method for advancing “the "national interest" by means of organized violence”, was taken as axiomatic in the 1963-64 secret study reported in the 1967 book The Report From Iron Mountain:
“It must be emphasized that the precedence of a society's war-making potential over its other characteristics is not the result of the "threat" presumed to exist at any one time from other societies. This is the reverse of the basic situation; "threats" against the "national interest" are usually created or accelerated to meet the changing needs of the war system. ... The military, or ostensible function of the war system requires no elaboration; it serves simply to defend or advance the "national interest" by means of organized violence. It is often necessary for a national military establishment to create a need for its unique powers—to maintain the franchise, so to speak. And a healthy military apparatus requires "exercise," by whatever rationale seems expedient, to prevent its atrophy.” (pgs. 31,33);
whose utility for effectively embarking on the “military transformation” required to achieve “full spectrum dominance” that wasn't “stillborn”, was openly declared in the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) report titled Rebuilding America's Defenses:
“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. ... Until the process of transformation is treated as an enduring military mission – worthy of constant allocation of dollars and forces – it will remain stillborn” (pgs. 51,58);
and whose necessity for rapidly transforming an entire society, nation, or the whole world, in the direction desired by the controlling oligarchy, was even discovered in the 1908 minute books of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace by the Congressional Reece Committee investigator Norman Dodd in 1954, and related by him in an interview before his death in 1982, The Hidden Agenda of Tax Exempt Foundations for World Government:
“We are now at the year 1908, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. In that year, the trustees, meeting for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year in a very learned fashion. The question is: “Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” And they conclude that no more effective means than war to that end is known to humanity. So then, in 1909, they raised the second question and discussed it, namely: 'How do we involve the United States in a war?'”;
please see social engineering principles in Further Study of Operation Gladio, Edward Bernays and Human Resources. Also see Myth of the Cave in Plato's 2500 years old classic The Republic, Book VII, page 300 (book PDF).
There is a lot to learn here on deliberate Machiavellian social engineering that is not taught even in the best universities in America (and the West), nor ever makes an appearance on CNN Headline News (and Time or Newsweek)! What we are speaking of here, of engineering the consent of the masses to get them to love their own servitude (as Aldous Huxley had put it), far transcends the corporate advertising and marketing techniques taught in MBA programs which were principally pioneered by Edward Bernays. These techniques of course also attempt to bypass the cognitive mind and target manipulating the subconscious mind directly to sell a product, a lifestyle, or an idea. However, while most recognize that advertising is a multi-billion dollar business and accept it as a matter of for-profit corporate modernity, few are aware of an order of magnitude more resources being perversely spent by tax-exempt foundations, and the tax-payers (quite unbeknownst to themselves of course), on far more diabolical aspects of social engineering to fabricate consent for political and 'United We Stand' purposes.
Advertising Age’s 2008 Marketer of the Year award to President Obama for his election campaign of the “Change” mantra, and the Nobel committee's awarding him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize testify to the empiricism of this observation. The American nation easily bought that fiction of “Change”, which was once again underscored by President Obama bombing Libya on the same day in 2011 that his predecessor bombed Iraq in 2003!
This ignorance and gullibility among the college-educated modern public is despite the fact that Western academe is at the forefront of the vast majority of behavior control and social engineering research studies, often funded by, or in collaboration with, Western intelligence, military services, and private tax-exempt foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Ford Foundation, etc. The highly compartmentalized nature of such research ensures that few students and professors in on the ground breaking studies into human behavior can ever glean the bigger picture towards which they work so diligently to respectively earn their Ph.D. and research funding! Those few who do comprehend are invariably already engaged with empire in the largely unhidden orchestration of social engineering, or, recruited into it as agents and assets of the Mighty Wurlitzer.
Today, fact and fiction have been merged to such an alarming degree with adept perception control that to be able to rationally separate them, to tell what is mere imagery of the Mighty Wurlitzer vs. the actual interconnected causal reality (cause and effect) of statecraft, can be as uncongenial to the cognitive mind as depicted by Plato for the prisoners bred in the underground cave since birth. The fact that the most brilliant minds remain unable to tell that 9/11 was an 'Operation Canned Goods' even ten years into its vile enactment while America descends into a police-state in presumed reaction to it, demonstrates that it is not the brain hardware which is malfunctioning, but the brain software!
The inculcation of belief in authority figures and “experts” has reached pandemic proportions in the West. Indoctrination is today perhaps the greatest public plague afflicting the mightiest superpower on earth, a direct consequence of “dumbing down” the public in the name of higher education to craft self-obsessed economic widgets, narrow specialists, and superficial generalists for the Technetronic Era. The continued success of the Mighty Wurlitzer in “persuading” the public to accept absurdities to get them 'United We Stand' singularly relies on, and feeds off, this aspect of modernity. See The Ivy League Morons Syndrome. Also see the deconstruction of Bernard de Mandeville's “fable of the bees” in Response to 'Why I'm leaving Harvard' and in Preamble to Palestine: The Struggle Forward.
There is an undeniable categorical imperative before the Western peoples today. With the escalating belligerence towards Iran and the strategic dismantling of Pakistan palpably on the visible horizon, will the profoundly innocent of knowledge in the West allow themselves to be fooled once again into more criminal aggression upon civilian populations in the name of 'War on Terror' ( )? See: Postscript ‘War on Terror’ is not about ‘Islamofascism’ – Please get with the real agenda you people! ( ).
Or, will the people choose to not be (willingly) deceived by the Mighty Wurlitzer's many ruses at every level which continually justify the core axioms of “imperial mobilization” by way of deception? See Peoples' Guilt and America’s Profound Shame ( ).
It is precisely to invoke that acquiescence to premeditated fait accompli that Zbigniew Brzezinski self-servingly quoted in the opening pages of his seminal 1970 book Between Two Ages – America's Role in the Technetronic Era, the following specious rationalization for the turmoil to be purposely inflicted upon the 'lesser' humanity. The diabolically fabricated Hegelian Dialectic as the means to usher in one-world government and attributing that manufactured zeitgeist to just the nature of transformation for which nothing could be done about:
"Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap. . . . There are times when a whole generation is caught in this way between two ages, two modes of life, with the consequence that it loses all power to understand itself and has no standard, no security, no simple acquiescence." —HERMANN HESSE, Steppenwolf (pg. 7, book PDF).
As the generation caught between two ages, we have neither lost the power to understand, nor the power to overturn that acquiescence to the artificially induced transition period! That overturning is the raison d'être for this document.
Further Study
For further study please refer to the Further Study Section in Note on Mighty Wurltizer (
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The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at Verbatim reproduction license at
Last updated 06/03/2011 12:00:35 7824
Behavior Control: Architecture of Modern Propaganda By Zahir Ebrahim 22 / 22
Zahir Ebrahim | Project
Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, began his seminal 1928 book simply titled Propaganda, with these ominous words:
'The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.' --- Edward Bernays, 1928, pg.1, Propaganda
Aldous Huxley, on the 30th anniversary of his own seminal 1931 allegorical novel Brave New World, made the following dreadful observations in the very opening segment of his talk on the Ultimate Revolution upon which mankind and modernity are perilously perched:
'You can do everything with bayonets except sit on them! If you are going to control any population for any length of time you must have some measure of consent. It's exceedingly difficult to see how pure terrorism can function indefinitely. It can function for a fairly long time, but I think sooner or later you have to bring in an element of persuasion. An element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. Well, it seems to me that the nature of the Ultimate Revolution with which we are now faced is precisely this: that we are in process of developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy who have always existed and presumably always will exist, to get people actually to love their servitude! This is the, it seems to me the ultimate in malevolent revolution shall we say.' --- Aldous Huxley, 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, minute 04:06
In order to understand how the comprehension of both Edward Bernays and Aldous Huxley, though both long dead, still manifests itself in these times, we must begin with the Mighty Wurlitzer.
What is the 'Mighty Wurlitzer'?
It used to be the honorific of Frank Wisner, the first chief of political warfare for the Central Intelligence Agency, used to describe the C.I.A.’s plethora of front organizations and newsmedia stooges that he was capable of playing (like a great organ with many keyboards) for synthesizing any propaganda tune that was needed for the day. See Operation Mockingbird ( ) (PDF).
The fact that such an omnipresent Message-Machine is not ancient history but very much current affairs, is underscored by this NYT headline “Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon’s Hidden Hand”, Sunday, April 20, 2008 ( ).
Therefore, today, I use the term 'Mighty Wurlitzer' as a metaphor to pluralistically refer to the same message-machine, i.e., the intelligence apparatus for manufacturing consent and controlling dissent, and its concomitant conscious manipulation of peoples' thoughts, feelings, actions and in-actions, in order to serve the primacy interests of the ruling-elite. The latter are, invariably, also the de facto owners of the complete messaging-system now even more globally ubiquitous than when Frank Wisner played the world for a fool.
This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.
What this means is that not all who willingly cooperate with the Mighty Wurlitzer in synchronistically humming its themes are knowingly being purveyors of its myths and deception. Many of its most shrill echoers are often well intentioned functionaries who are fed different motivating myths at different levels in the hierarchy – sometimes the lie is different at every level – such that it suitably motivates each according to their own predilection, professional station, and mission statement.
The Mighty Wurlitzer operates on the core premise which has been empirically shown to psychologically motivate most human action. That premise was elegantly captured in the following insightful observation made at the so called “Terrorism Study Group”, that
“'Public Assumptions' Shape Views of History: Such presumptions are beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community. The sources for such presumptions are both personal (from direct experience) and vicarious (from books, movies, and myths).”
Successfully implanting such presumptions and pre-suppositions among any group is to motivate its overall actions in accordance with those implanted beliefs. Thus, many intelligent peoples for whom it is otherwise inexplicable to understand why they persist in 'United We Stand' with absurdities, are motivated to react sympathetically to those absurdities.
To barely catch a glimpse of how it's partially done, the following description by Col. Fletcher Prouty from the Preface to the first edition of his 1973 book “The Secret Team” is instructive (PDF book):
'There is another category of writer and self-proclaimed authority on the subjects of secrecy, intelligence, and containment. This man is the suave, professional parasite who gains a reputation as a real reporter by disseminating the scraps and "Golden Apples" thrown to him by the great men who use him. This writer seldom knows and rarely cares that many of the scraps from which he draws his material have been planted, that they are controlled leaks, and that he is being used, and glorified as he is being used, by the inside secret intelligence community.
Allen Dulles had a penchant for cultivating a number of such writers with big names and inviting them to his table for a medieval style luncheon in that great room across the hall from his own offices in the old CIA headquarters on the hill overlooking Foggy Bottom. Here, he would discuss openly and all too freely the same subjects that only hours before had been carefully discussed in the secret inner chambers of the operational side of that quiet Agency. In the hands of Allen Dulles, "secrecy" was simply a chameleon device to be used as he saw fit and to be applied to lesser men according to his schemes. It is quite fantastic to find people like Daniel Ellsberg being charged with leaking official secrets simply because the label on the piece of paper said "top secret," when the substance of many of the words written on those same papers was patently untrue and no more than a cover story. Except for the fact that they were official lies, these papers had no basis in fact, and therefore no basis to be graded top secret or any other degree of classification. Allen Dulles would tell similar cover stories to his coterie of writers, and not long thereafter they would appear in print in some of the most prestigious papers and magazines in the country, totally unclassified, and of course, cleverly untrue.
In every case, the chance for complete information is very small, and the hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story is at best a very slim one. Certainly, history teaches us that one truth will add to and enhance another; but let us not forget that one lie added to another lie will demolish everything. This is the important point. Consider the past half century. How many major events -- really major events -- have there been that simply do not ring true? How many times has the entire world been shaken by alarms of major significance, only to find that the events either did not happen at all, or if they did, that they had happened in a manner quite unlike the original story?'
Coldly implicit in Col. Prouty's afore-quoted empirical statement: “and the hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story is at best a very slim one”, is the Machiavellian notion of sewing faits accomplis in current affairs by straight-jacketing all public discourse in deception, and leaving the ferreting out of 'truth' to future generation of scholars and historians when separating myths from the calculus of hegemony can at best only be a bogus academic exercise entirely irrelevant to reversing the faits accomplis already sewn. See Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science ( ). Also see Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda: Making Sense of Absurdities ( ).
Wikileaks and the Mighty Wurlitzer driving Imperial Mobilization
A pertinent example of Col. Fletcher Prouty's fabricated leaks noted above, is the Wikileaks' July 2010 disclosures of 'The Afghanistan Papers' which revealed nothing new.
Wikileaks has always been a rather transparent Mighty Wurlitzer ops. It is trivial to see through the absurdity of its existence despite it promoting itself as being a sort of watchdog upon the empire, and therefore, ostensibly, being inimical to its unbridled quest for “full spectrum dominance” – just like Al Jazeera television based in Qatar, which too, absurdly enough, is permitted to function unhindered in the same nation as America's CENTCOM headquarters. Would it not be trivial for an armed to the teeth National Security State to take-out either apparatus rather trivially? And that may happen once the useful idiots have outlived their utility, for he who sups with the devil must have a long spoon!
The reason each is allowed to function is of course social engineering, the sine qua non for waging modern warfare upon civilian populations by way of deception. It spans the entire gamut of engineering consent, from mantra creation in the mainstream and diabolically controlling dissent in order to control all opposition, to actually fabricating the visible pretexts which can naturally ripen the conditions for the mantra of “clash of civilizations” to be called real before the Western public in order to sustain the otherwise untenable “imperial mobilization”. Zbigniew Brzezinski had most succinctly summed up this motivation in his book The Grand Chessboard – American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives: “Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization”.
How can one tell manufactured reportage and fabricated leaks from the real stuff? How can one see through the Mighty Wurlitzer?
As daunting as it might appear to the mainstream television watcher, it is in fact rather straightforward for those unencumbered by blind faith in governments and its statecraft. Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state.
Furthermore, look for some of the lauded dissent names rushing to support the Limited Hangout – just as it was with Daniel Ellsberg for his infamous Pentagon Papers – to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption. For, it matters not which side one takes, as both sides are patently false, crafted of calculated omissions and half-truths that retain core-lies, right out of the text book of the Technique of Infamy : invent two lies and keep the public busy debating which of them is true!
The role of crafty omissions in fabricating propaganda was best captured by Aldous Huxley in his Preface to Brave New World thusly:
‘The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an “iron curtain” between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. But silence is not enough. If persecution, liquidation and the other symptoms of social friction are to be avoided, the positive sides of propaganda must be made as effective as the negative.’ — Aldous Huxley, Preface (circa 1946) to Brave New World, 1931, Harper, pg. 11
To uncover omissions in a discourse is very difficult for the public who do not often have command over the domain in which the falsehoods are being perpetuated. Which is why ignorance, and being trusting of authority figures and the state, are the pre-requisites for any vile propaganda to succeed! A well-bred lack of skepticism to authority figures, whether to mainstream leaders in politics and experts in scientific disciplines, or to dissenting chiefs playing controlled opposition, thus becomes the heart of social engineering. This is also why “leaking” information from “experts” and “insiders” commands such a premium in Machiavellian statecraft. When used judiciously so as not to dilute its impact, it can herd the flock in pretty much any direction that is desired.
As further empirically evidenced in the forensic analysis presented here, these so called whistleblowing of leaky buckets also succeed in accomplishing two important elements of statecraft:
vicariously reinvigorate in the short-term public memory, the already established-by-fiat facts and core-axioms of empire;
establish new convenient facts on the ground which are subsequently accepted as revealed gospel truths because of the already established thought-stream by the scholars of empire that when something is held in secret or is classified and subsequently declassified, or is prematurely leaked to the public, that it must contain some genuine “state secrets”, and never red herrings. Such thought-streams enable the directives of NSC 10/2 for plausible deniability (and those like it which we do not know about) to be trivially impressed upon the public mind (see Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory). These revelations of presumed “state-secrets” subsequently become the new unquestioned backdrops for both state policies and public discourses – the new “doctrinal motivations” – with copious help from the Mighty Wurlitzer's refined machinery.
This enables the successful deployment of pre-planned policy prescriptions which craftily impel the various incantations of hegemony forward in baby-steps. Both, domestically by incrementally clamping down hard on rising discontent in the name of “national security”, and internationally by continuing to wage unpopular wars of preemption upon the 'untermenschen'. The infernal enemy has now been (re)confirmed to exist (despite popular skepticism) since even empire's own henchmen in their secret documents also affirm that belief (sic!). Speak of self-servingly suffering from a incestuously self-reinforced “crippled epistemology”!
Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book The Grand Chessboard, un-abashedly explained the need for such invigorations of the public mind in the following majestic words, betraying his immense knowledge of Machiavellian statecraft's reliance on social engineering:
“Public opinion polls suggest that only a small minority (13 percent) of Americans favor the proposition that 'as the sole remaining superpower, the US should continue to be the preeminent world leader in solving international problems'. ... Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. .... More generally, cultural change in America may also be uncongenial to the sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power. That exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification.” (page 211 and onwards, PDF book)
Predictably, with rising skepticism among the public, more “harmful leaks” will occur, but understandably none which are actually substantial, like blowing the lid on 9/11 as an inside job, directly naming the top beneficiaries who shorted the Airline stocks raking in billions, or revealing how BBC came to report the demolition of WTC-7 a full 20 minutes before it actually transpired, never mind lending confirmation to any of the forensic detective work by independent researchers from the debris of 9/11, etceteras. And the main leaker du jour, Mr. patsy Julian Assange, like Mr. patsy Lee Harvey Oswald before him, will be sacrificed, perhaps with a new 'lone gunmen' enactment, or perhaps juridically, to lend the hoopla even more public respectability. Also see Dismantling the Fiction of 'Former' and 'Ex' Intelligence – Zahir Ebrahim's Response to Philip Giraldi.
It’s the exact same recipe as is used by all the other fabricated and controlled dissent assets of empire when they are not outright spinning patent lies, for spinning half-truths requires far more brilliance. One can already see the main dissent-chiefs of the West, like the venerable professor Noam Chomsky, anointed by the New York Times as “arguably the most important intellectual alive”, and the distinguished Daniel Ellsberg, excitedly supporting these Wikileaks exposés as if something ethereal was “revealed in the Sinai”.
It is not for nothing that James Jesus Angleton, Head of CIA Counter Intelligence 1954-1974, is quoted in the 1992 BBC-2 Documentary on Operation Gladio: “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State”. See: Angleton (1917 - 1987). Manufacturing Dissent with controlled opposition is an indispensable core construct of that very statecraft of deception. See: 'Manufacturing Dissent: Weapons of Mass Deception – The Master Social Science'.
With the preceding backdrop for overarching context, let's examine what I believe has been accomplished by Wikileaks in its service to empire's “War on Terrorism”. Please see “What is War on Terror?” ( ) before proceeding further if you are only familiar with its rational insanity in empire's Newspeak. Meaning, the 'War on Terror' is not irrational. It is firmly rooted in the rational political science of “imperial mobilization”.
The core-lies retained in the Wikileaks' July 2010 disclosures – which I call 'the Afghanistan Papers' – is to once again reaffirm that there is a real nemesis called “Osama Bin Laden”, that the “war on terror” is real, that it is being inflicted upon the West from Pakistan-Iran nexus, and to re-substantiate the handoff of former President George W. Bush's clairvoyance to the Obama Administration that “If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan”! That, when such a “planned” attack transpires, it “will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison”. See: ‘Bin Laden’: Key enabler of “imperial mobilization” and nuclear attack on Iran-Pakistan ( ).
The successful handoff of “imperial mobilization” to Pakistan and Iran, now further sprightly underscored by Wikileaks' documents, is once again demonstrated by President Obama's Secretary of State Hilary Clinton's July 2010 remark to the BBC as quoted by Reuters: “There are still additional steps that we are asking and expecting the Pakistanis to take. But there is no doubt in anyone's mind that should an attack against the United States be traced to be Pakistani, it would (have) a very devastating impact on our relationship”. And that is merely just another echo from the Obama Administration of what the Pakistanis themselves have been made to parrot the past 9 years, as demonstrated by its own Ambassador's remark in 2008:
'[On] Wednesday, a media report quoted Pakistan’s envoy to Washington as saying that US leaders had warned Islamabad that if the United States suffered an attack that was traced back to Pakistan Washington would retaliate. “Those (statements) have been made,” Ambassador Hussain Haqqani told editors and reporters at The Washington Post. “We want to make sure that it doesn’t come to that.”' -- DAWN, June 12, 2008
To show Pakistan's unflinching willingness to do as much more as was asked, the Ambassador of Pakistan had further stated in an interview to Reuters in 2008:
'Pakistan would attack Osama bin Laden the moment it had reliable intelligence on the Al Qaeda leader's whereabouts, Ambassador Husain Haqqani said on Wednesday. Haqqani also said he was confident Pakistan could help foil any Al Qaeda plans to attack the United States, although he did not know of any right now. “A cooperative effort between all the allies, and that includes Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States and NATO – I think we can thwart any potential plans for an attack,” Haqqani said in an interview with Reuters.
He said Pakistani intelligence had helped defeat many of the “several dozen” Al Qaeda plots detected worldwide since the September 11, 2001, attacks, but government officials knew of no immediate threats to the United States. Haqqani said Pakistan would act on its own against Al Qaeda if necessary. “If Pakistan, Afghanistan or the United States had specific intelligence on the location of Osama bin Laden, they would have acted on it. No reservations would have come in the way of action on that, and none will even in the future,” he said. “If any of us had that actionable intelligence we would all act. We would act separately, we would act in tandem, we would act cooperatively – we would act.”' -- DAWN, June 12, 2008
So, could these self-serving 'Afghanistan Papers' have been any more convenient as a casus belli, carrying forth the same core-lies now entering its tenth year? If Wikileaks' dramatization grabbing all the world's headlines isn't an officially sponsored “modified limited hangout” for exactly that purpose of reinforcing the core-lies, then the White House not even bothering to stop the New York Times – whose own motto is 'All the news that's fit to print' – from publishing it, even giving it “all got gold stars” as the Salon put it on July 26, 2010, is downright inexplicable:
“So, uh ... why was all of this information classified and top secret? If it's old news, and it just confirms what "everyone" already knows, what was the rationale for keeping it classified and calling WikiLeaks all sorts of mean names for publishing it?”
What would it matter afterwards, after Iran and Pakistan have been bombed, what were lies and what was truth? Did the bogus mea culpa by the 2005 Presidential Commission on intelligence failure, the Iraq Study Group's disingenuous conclusion: “We conclude that the intelligence community was dead wrong in almost all of its prewar judgments about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. This was a major intelligence failure,” reverse the decimation of Iraq? Did the New York Times 2008 revelation of Pentagon's Message Machine after 'all the barbers in town already knew it', return back to its silos each and every cruise missile that was dropped upon the innocent civilians of Iraq?
That is the real import of the craftsmanship of the Mighty Wurlitzer! To engineer a fait accompli by manufacturing consent among the gullible masses and dissent among the rabble rousers, leaving future scholars, historians, and the odd malcontent to laudingly study the ashes left behind by “history's actors”. A diabolical modus operandi of democratic statecraft which the Mighty Wurlitzer's operators even brazenly brag about:
'“We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”' (Ron Suskind, New York Times, Oct. 17, 2004)
It is now patently obvious with the Obama Administration officially declaring Osama Bin Laden killed in an American raid on May 1, 2011, why Wikileaks had to “leak” the officialdom's belief that he was still alive in July 2010! It is all too evident that some mileage is being derived by officially burying that nemesis at sea, a thousand miles from where they proclaim they killed him in an ambush in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Conveniently, it was in Pakistan and not Afghanistan that mankind's toughest and most resourceful nemesis was found and killed. The color coded threat alerts instantly went up worldwide. Pakistan Navy presumably already suffered a bizarre revenge attack on its naval base in Karachi from Ali Baba's elusive organization still intact, and now even more formidable than ever before. And its base of operation? Of course Pakistan!
Just as George W. Bush Jr., had intimated was the new Terror Central: “If another September 11 style attack is being planned, it probably is being plotted in Pakistan, and not Afghanistan”!
Perhaps Ali Baba's replacement nemesis will be a Super Ali Baba plus plus? What can it be? Can we shrewdly anticipate and prepare for the next tune of the Mighty Wurlitzer rather than be shell-shocked into acquiescence by its phantasmic unveiling?
The following passage from the 2500 years old Art of War is pertinent backdrop to the aforementioned chutzpah of empire – a zeitgeist which evidently excels in the ex post facto narration by scholars and historians of what is already fait accompli, often to the thunderous applause of both, the instruments of the antagonists awarding them high honors, and amidst the fawning adulation of the protagonists having their 'ah hah' moments:
'8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.
9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done!"
10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.'
Paying particular attention to item 10., one may conclude that to perceive in a timely manner that which is not obvious to others leads to many tactical as well as strategic advantages, both in the battle of war and secrecy, and in the battle for liberty. The public and their lauded dissent is kept busy in puppetshows when it is most essential that they be sighted and effective in derailing imperial mobilization.
And when, or if, some among them ever wakeup to accept that it was indeed all a puppetshow, it is inevitably too late to do anything about the matter except to “study” it, as even coldly snickered to the so called watchdogs upon the corridors of power, the almighty press, by the “history's actors” themselves!
The same principle of temporal urgency in maintaining utmost deception and secrecy while “new realities” are being planned, orchestrated, and harvested, was articulated by Niccolò Machiavelli in The Prince. The modern day version of this statecraft being the National Security Council Directive NSC 10/2 for creating cover stories and red herrings alongside covert operations. See Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory ( ).
As part of that plan to deflect public attention, those attempting to see through its fog of deception when a fait accompli can still be averted – before missiles have left their silos, before pen has been put to tortuous legalisms – are variously labeled as 'kooks', 'conspiracy theorists', 'delusional', 'denier', etc., their efforts infiltrated (as in cointelpro) and energies defocussed by introducing what's cynically called “beneficial cognitive diversity”.
What's Next?
The Alien-UFO Agenda is one such future fait accompli in the works which can still be averted by the public becoming rationally informed about the demonic art of the Mighty Wurlitzer. The fact that:
references to UFOs even made it into one of Wikileaks whistleblowing disclosures;
the fact that the FBI recently made available a 1950 Roswell UFO memo lending “UFOs” a legitimacy in the gullible mind by way of it being held as a supposed “state-secret” for these past sixty years;
and the uptick in bogus conversations on Aliens and UFO even appearing in the mainstream press, not to mention its unrelenting repetition in the so called “alternate media” and on the internet;
all indicate that its unveiling time is likely approaching near. This too will surely also be launched with “either you are with us, or with the aliens” false dialectics! See: Letter to Kerry Cassidy on the Alien-UFO Agenda and The Agenda Behind Aliens and UFOs - A Hegelian Mind-Fck Part-II ( ).
The Psychology of Fear
In order to perceptively comprehend the psychological basis of such absurd and fabricated threats which instill existential fears, and
whose import to enabling “imperial mobilization” was clearly envisaged by Zbigniew Brzezinski in 1996 in The Grand Chessboard:
“It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. The economic self-denial (that is defense spending), and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” (pgs. 35-36);
whose raison d'être as the primary method for advancing “the "national interest" by means of organized violence”, was taken as axiomatic in the 1963-64 secret study reported in the 1967 book The Report From Iron Mountain:
“It must be emphasized that the precedence of a society's war-making potential over its other characteristics is not the result of the "threat" presumed to exist at any one time from other societies. This is the reverse of the basic situation; "threats" against the "national interest" are usually created or accelerated to meet the changing needs of the war system. ... The military, or ostensible function of the war system requires no elaboration; it serves simply to defend or advance the "national interest" by means of organized violence. It is often necessary for a national military establishment to create a need for its unique powers—to maintain the franchise, so to speak. And a healthy military apparatus requires "exercise," by whatever rationale seems expedient, to prevent its atrophy.” (pgs. 31,33);
whose utility for effectively embarking on the “military transformation” required to achieve “full spectrum dominance” that wasn't “stillborn”, was openly declared in the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) report titled Rebuilding America's Defenses:
“Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor. ... Until the process of transformation is treated as an enduring military mission – worthy of constant allocation of dollars and forces – it will remain stillborn” (pgs. 51,58);
and whose necessity for rapidly transforming an entire society, nation, or the whole world, in the direction desired by the controlling oligarchy, was even discovered in the 1908 minute books of the Carnegie Endowment for Peace by the Congressional Reece Committee investigator Norman Dodd in 1954, and related by him in an interview before his death in 1982, The Hidden Agenda of Tax Exempt Foundations for World Government:
“We are now at the year 1908, which was the year that the Carnegie Foundation began operations. In that year, the trustees, meeting for the first time, raised a specific question, which they discussed throughout the balance of the year in a very learned fashion. The question is: “Is there any means known more effective than war, assuming you wish to alter the life of an entire people?” And they conclude that no more effective means than war to that end is known to humanity. So then, in 1909, they raised the second question and discussed it, namely: 'How do we involve the United States in a war?'”;
please see social engineering principles in Further Study of Operation Gladio, Edward Bernays and Human Resources. Also see Myth of the Cave in Plato's 2500 years old classic The Republic, Book VII, page 300 (book PDF).
There is a lot to learn here on deliberate Machiavellian social engineering that is not taught even in the best universities in America (and the West), nor ever makes an appearance on CNN Headline News (and Time or Newsweek)! What we are speaking of here, of engineering the consent of the masses to get them to love their own servitude (as Aldous Huxley had put it), far transcends the corporate advertising and marketing techniques taught in MBA programs which were principally pioneered by Edward Bernays. These techniques of course also attempt to bypass the cognitive mind and target manipulating the subconscious mind directly to sell a product, a lifestyle, or an idea. However, while most recognize that advertising is a multi-billion dollar business and accept it as a matter of for-profit corporate modernity, few are aware of an order of magnitude more resources being perversely spent by tax-exempt foundations, and the tax-payers (quite unbeknownst to themselves of course), on far more diabolical aspects of social engineering to fabricate consent for political and 'United We Stand' purposes.
Advertising Age’s 2008 Marketer of the Year award to President Obama for his election campaign of the “Change” mantra, and the Nobel committee's awarding him the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize testify to the empiricism of this observation. The American nation easily bought that fiction of “Change”, which was once again underscored by President Obama bombing Libya on the same day in 2011 that his predecessor bombed Iraq in 2003!
This ignorance and gullibility among the college-educated modern public is despite the fact that Western academe is at the forefront of the vast majority of behavior control and social engineering research studies, often funded by, or in collaboration with, Western intelligence, military services, and private tax-exempt foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Ford Foundation, etc. The highly compartmentalized nature of such research ensures that few students and professors in on the ground breaking studies into human behavior can ever glean the bigger picture towards which they work so diligently to respectively earn their Ph.D. and research funding! Those few who do comprehend are invariably already engaged with empire in the largely unhidden orchestration of social engineering, or, recruited into it as agents and assets of the Mighty Wurlitzer.
Today, fact and fiction have been merged to such an alarming degree with adept perception control that to be able to rationally separate them, to tell what is mere imagery of the Mighty Wurlitzer vs. the actual interconnected causal reality (cause and effect) of statecraft, can be as uncongenial to the cognitive mind as depicted by Plato for the prisoners bred in the underground cave since birth. The fact that the most brilliant minds remain unable to tell that 9/11 was an 'Operation Canned Goods' even ten years into its vile enactment while America descends into a police-state in presumed reaction to it, demonstrates that it is not the brain hardware which is malfunctioning, but the brain software!
The inculcation of belief in authority figures and “experts” has reached pandemic proportions in the West. Indoctrination is today perhaps the greatest public plague afflicting the mightiest superpower on earth, a direct consequence of “dumbing down” the public in the name of higher education to craft self-obsessed economic widgets, narrow specialists, and superficial generalists for the Technetronic Era. The continued success of the Mighty Wurlitzer in “persuading” the public to accept absurdities to get them 'United We Stand' singularly relies on, and feeds off, this aspect of modernity. See The Ivy League Morons Syndrome. Also see the deconstruction of Bernard de Mandeville's “fable of the bees” in Response to 'Why I'm leaving Harvard' and in Preamble to Palestine: The Struggle Forward.
There is an undeniable categorical imperative before the Western peoples today. With the escalating belligerence towards Iran and the strategic dismantling of Pakistan palpably on the visible horizon, will the profoundly innocent of knowledge in the West allow themselves to be fooled once again into more criminal aggression upon civilian populations in the name of 'War on Terror' ( )? See: Postscript ‘War on Terror’ is not about ‘Islamofascism’ – Please get with the real agenda you people! ( ).
Or, will the people choose to not be (willingly) deceived by the Mighty Wurlitzer's many ruses at every level which continually justify the core axioms of “imperial mobilization” by way of deception? See Peoples' Guilt and America’s Profound Shame ( ).
It is precisely to invoke that acquiescence to premeditated fait accompli that Zbigniew Brzezinski self-servingly quoted in the opening pages of his seminal 1970 book Between Two Ages – America's Role in the Technetronic Era, the following specious rationalization for the turmoil to be purposely inflicted upon the 'lesser' humanity. The diabolically fabricated Hegelian Dialectic as the means to usher in one-world government and attributing that manufactured zeitgeist to just the nature of transformation for which nothing could be done about:
"Human life is reduced to real suffering, to hell, only when two ages, two cultures and religions overlap. . . . There are times when a whole generation is caught in this way between two ages, two modes of life, with the consequence that it loses all power to understand itself and has no standard, no security, no simple acquiescence." —HERMANN HESSE, Steppenwolf (pg. 7, book PDF).
As the generation caught between two ages, we have neither lost the power to understand, nor the power to overturn that acquiescence to the artificially induced transition period! That overturning is the raison d'être for this document.
Further Study
For further study please refer to the Further Study Section in Note on Mighty Wurltizer (
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The author, an ordinary researcher and writer on contemporary geopolitics, a minor justice activist, grew up in Pakistan, studied EECS at MIT, engineered for a while in high-tech Silicon Valley (patents here), and retired early to pursue other responsible interests. His maiden 2003 book was rejected by six publishers and can be read on the web at He may be reached at Verbatim reproduction license at
Last updated 06/03/2011 12:00:35 7824
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