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Eat the Rich! (Nottingham anarchist) | 29.05.2011 11:55

Yesterday some anarchists joined the UK Uncut demonstration in Nottingham with an EAT THE RICH banner and our own leaflets. The banner went down well with the public and started a few interesting conversations. We got rid of all of the leaflets we took (a few hundred) and found a fair amount of support for our ideas.

Eat the rich

The current cuts being administrated by the Conservative and Liberal Democrat government are already having an affect on our everyday lives. We’ve become so accustomed to having certain services provided to us by our oh so kind government, that when they begin to go away we feel the loss. When they go we also notice that other things have gone, our ability to control our own lives, our ability to live a life we think is worth living.

Heavy policing in our communities, CCTV cameras, credit card bills we have to pay off, housing situations which leave us at the mercy of the banks and property owners, all these seemed bearable as long as there were good schools for our children, healthcare for our families, and financial support when we could not get work. Now though we see the prices weren’t worth paying, that we were lied to. First by a Labour government who sold ideas of prosperity and equality, and now the Con-Dem coalition who pretended they would bring security to all. Between them and their counterparts in previous decades, they have helped the rich to steal our lives.

Does it appear to us now that the whole idea of democratically elected government has been a lie? Yes, it does.

Does it appear to us now that every government this country has ever had has had as its goal the protection of wealth and power that the rich call their own? Yes, it does.

Does it appear to us now that the government and the banks are lying scum that are in it for themselves, and hell bent on keeping everyone else down and in line? Yes, it does.

Does it appear to us now that we need to take control back? That we need to force the government and their friends out of our communities and make sure they never come back? Yes, it does.

Does it appear to us now that no political party will ever represent our interests, whether the party calls itself Liberal, Conservative, Labour, socialist or nationalist? Yes, it does.

Does it appear to us that the cuts currently taking place are just the same old politics of attack against those who don’t own property, those who don’t have rich parents, those who are just trying to get by? Yes, it does.

We think there’s only one choice now. Eat the rich.

Eat away at their power by working together, building communities, and learning to look after each other.

Eat away at their control over us by striking, occupying, stealing, destroying everything they ever claimed as their own. If we want we should take it. If we don’t want it we should destroy it so they don’t use it against us again.

We already know that everything is ours, the only thing we need to do is make sure we and they never forget this. (Nottingham anarchist)