Weekly Blog Roundup: 28 May
lanhdsgdie | 28.05.2011 21:29 | Oxford
Lashings of Ginger BeerPosted by Lashings of Ginger Beer[1] There are loads of events going on for Oxford Pride - check out their website at http://www.oxfordpride.org.uk/[2] Some other upcoming events that might be of interest....... Oxford Queer Studies Circle - TONIGHT What: Discussion group. The topic this week is ''The Velvet Rage: Queerness & Mental Health'' When:Saturday, May 28th, 7 pm Where: the Turl Pub (next to Jesu… Read more
Africa: Exploitation & Resistance Conference, 11 June 2011
Africa: Exploitation and resistance Africa has some of the richest natural resources in the world. Yet the majority of its people have been impoverished by decades of policies imposed by international finance institutions and northern governments. These policies have enabled corporations to accumulate vast profits while dispossessing the people and the continent of its riches, often subsidised by public funds in the form of €˜ai… Read more
Hi folks, I've got a new wave of tour dates to put up here soon, but here's a quick one for next Tuesday - if you're at the Hay Festival then come and see me in the This Is Rubbish tent! This Is Rubbish[1] is a brilliant project that rescues "waste" (i.e. surplus) food and transforms it into fantastic feasts. Here's their full timetable for Monday 30th and Tuesday 31st May - note that I'm scheduled for 2pm on the Tu… Read more
Over the next 2.5 months, I’m cooking up a 15,000-worder on the ‘rise and fall (and rise) of the Camp for Climate Action’. It comes from an overtly partisan perspective: I think with this action network, I subscribe to its aims. And/but it’s going to be theory-heavy, in a slightly experimental format, where I move between highly theoretical sections and narrative descriptions of the events (or have parallel empirical/theo… Read more
Asexuality and the Queer Community
Annalytica Posted by Annalytica[1] NB: This is an edited version of a post that originally appeared on annalytica.dreamwidth.org[2]. This post contains discussion of oppression and abuse which is not detailed but may be triggering. As Jenni mentioned in her post [3]on Tuesday, there has been a lot of debate in some corners of the internet about whether asexuals are queer, and much of that has centred around whether they are oppressed enough to des… Read more
Oxford’s ivory tower may not often feel the tremors of a thousand students pushing through police lines to protest Vince Cable[1]‘s (non) appearance at the Exam Schools in collusion with the marketisation of higher education in Britain[2]. However, some students at Wadham College[3] have, this past week, renewed a tradition (alive since 2008[4]) of bringing radical ideas into the heart of the ‘dreaming spires’, with the a… Read more
Exclusive: Sandhurst continued training for Bahraini officers despite protest crackdown
[1] British Military Academy Sandhurst continued to train 5 Bahraini Officers throughout the ongoing murder and abuse of democracy protesters, Bright Green[2] and Topsoil[3] can reveal. The information, revealed to Bright Green and Topsoil in a Freedom of Information request[4], shows the extent of the Government’s continued support for the regime despite the ongoing crackdown on protests. It has previously been revealed that [5]Ba… Read more
JenniPosted by Jenni[1] This post began life as a discussion of the €˜I€™m-more-oppressed-than-you€™ game. There€™s been a spate of posts on various sites recently discussing whether asexuals have a €˜claim€™ to the queer community, and one argument is that we aren€™t oppressed in the same way. Rather than argue this out, Iâ… Read more
[1] by Pete Speller[2] [3]The term non-violence is thrown around in activist circles quite liberally. It is true to say we will never all agree on a single definition of what is or isn’t violent, but there is a broad consensus that it is not about avoiding conflict or about being passive. Non-violence is about actively challenging violence in situations where it is likely to occur, taking preemptive steps to conduct ourselves in a … Read more
Lashings of Ginger BeerPosted by Lashings of Ginger Beer[1] Welcome to the weekly Lashings links round up! Feel free to add your own links in the comments, with a brief description and trigger warnings if appropriate. Oxford Save Our Services[2] are protesting[3] against NHS reforms in Cornmarket on Saturday 28th May A study [4]published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that gendered words in job adverts may influence the… Read more