#Spanishrevolution Has Reached Bristol
Michael Arrastia | 24.05.2011 12:55 | Public sector cuts | World
Support for the Spanish protesters in Madrid reached Bristol today, on May 22nd 2011. Protesters gathered in the centre of Bristol with placards echoing the demands made in Madrid. They expressed their wish for real democracy and a change to the political and economic systems chanting slogans such as "They Don't Represent Us" and "Real Democracy Now".
The protests in Madrid started on 15 May with a camp in the central "Puerta del Sol" square. The gathering of thousands is continuing following a vote to remain in the square for another week.
Full Story | Please Support the Spanish Revolution | They All Must Go (London Indymedia) | Protests Set to Continue Outside Spanish Embassy (London Indymedia) | Constructing, Living and Demanding Participatory Democracy in the #Spanishrevolution (P2P Foundation) | Spain's Tahir Square (Znet) | Arab Spring to Spanish Summer (Znet)
Michael Arrastia
Original article on IMC Bristol: