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Dont Allow Romanian State to make a Hero of its Revolution Homeless

John64 | 19.05.2011 21:13 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles | World

I am writing this in support of my friend Ion Matache.
Ion is the holder of the “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” yet the Romanian state has left him almost destitute and now (under Law 112?) Ion’s simple home is now to be taken from him, to be "returned" to the decendants of the pre war owners, who plan to demolish it. Please Do not allow this to happen!

Please sign my petition and pass this on

Thank you

John x

Re: Ion Matache & family, Calea Grivitei nr.60-62, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania.
I am hoping that people will join me in this petition to put pressure on the Romanian Government, through its UK Ambassador and my MEP, to save my long suffering Romanian friend and his family from homelessness.

Ion is the holder of the “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” and yet to date he has been left to try to survive in almost destitution at the above address (which is without a Bathroom or Toilet). Now it seems that (under Law 112?) Ion’s home is now to be taken from him, to be "returned" to the decendants of the pre war owners, who plan to demolish the homes on the site for commercial redevelopment, and the Romanian Government will do nothing to help him, leaving Ion, his Wife and 3 young children homeless. I fail to see how such a situation can be allowed in a modern, civilised European State.

Ion is currently unemployed, and still suffering the effects of an earier accident and numerous health problems, and without any benefits from the Romanian State already battles daily to prevent his familiy from starving. It seems that the Romanian state seems willing to stand idly by and let him and his young family become homeless, and potentially starve on the streets. I hope that you are able to support this petition to the Romanian Government demanding that they take action to prevent this from happening to Ion and his family. Many thanks for your support.

Yours sincerely John

Here is Ion's story in his own words (I asked him to write this):

Hello, my name is Ionut and live in Bucharest, ROMANIA, my family of 4 people with me in May (my wife and three children) live here in 1996, it is a house nationalized by the Communists, 16-17 February 2007un level of the building collapsed ,suddenly, because this house was built around 1900 and we are very old and maintained by the state in 1950 who took it from the bourgeois house in the rain and snow fell in all holes in this level collapsed just in right of access stairs and my family where I lived, in the above-mentioned fine on the spot came all local authorities and even the mass media sector at that time mayor, the mayor said city hall has no money to build social housing and we can provide housing only for children and women's shelter in a camp designed especially for such cases for which I and other neighbors have refused such aid, and I specified that we have made ​​to files we are assigned a social housing in 2003 some neighbors went to that camp will get the idea that a house which is why today at 4 years after the unfortunate events or people back here as it was not enough came a few days ago and landlord acts in that show won a lawsuit with the state and was returned locuiinta where we lived for so long, he said that we will get out of here without a doubt that he wants to sell land . so in a month at most two or three will remain on the roads without any help from the Roman state seemed to do nothing for the poor citizens of this country, su we get to live in a tent on the outskirts of left field landfill near this is my story

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Contextualisation is always useful

23.05.2011 13:49

It is always good to question everything. It is useful to question how the man you speak about acquired the land in the first place. It presumably "belonged" to someone else before it was taken from them (as it will now be returned to their descendants). I believe there was a lot of 'unfair' corruption in that process also.


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Missing pieces of the puzzle

07.08.2011 16:34

As much as I would like to believe the story, I couldn’t help but notice that there are certain aspects of this drama that don’t necessarily add up. Here are just a few questions that we should probably ask before any of us could make an intelligent decision about the situation of Ion Matache & family:
- At the time when John wrote this article, was Ion Matache in possession of any legal paperwork (lease agreement, land or property purchase certificate) that can prove his ownership status on Calea Grivitei 60-62?

- If Ion Matache is in fact legally entitled to live on the premises, does he currently pay rent or property tax to the State? Does he pay for any utilities (gas, electricity, running water)? After all, nothing is for free, especially a piece of property in one of the best areas of the capital of a European Union country member.

- Furthermore, if he is the holder of legal title and he is a lawful occupant of a property on that land, how is it possible for a human being to live in such distressed conditions for years (no bathroom, no toilet per the document form “Libertatea” that was attached with the petition) and not do something about it?

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, what does the fact that he is a holder of “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” have to do with anything?

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, and if he cannot afford to buy a property of any kind due to the fact that he is unemployed and he has numerous health problems, why did he TURN DOWN Gigi Becali’s (one of the wealthiest businessman in Romania) offer for a FREE (per excerpt from “Libertatea” attached), brand new house for him and his family, back on 2007, after the tragic accident on Grivitei 60-62?

- Not to change the subject here, but it seems that there have been instances in the past (just google the address) where the local police arrested gypsies who were illegally living at the infamous Grivitei 60=62 for drugs possession, prostitution and disorderly conduct, which clearly discredits the credibility of the very people who want to send a petition to the Romanian government asking to legalize their otherwise illegitimate stay on the premises.

To summarize, the above points strongly indicates that Ion Matache’s condition vividly portrayed in John X’s petition, only show a rather incomplete and inaccurate status of the situation.
With all due respect, to reach a beneficial result for all the parts involved in the conflict, maybe Ion Matache and the other 60 illegal occupants of the Grivitei 62 premises should have accepted Gigi Becali’s offer for a FREE accommodation for them and their families and let the lawful owner of the property tear down all the remaining ruins, decontaminate the place and build something that the famous city of Bucharest and its citizens will be proud of.

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Missing pieces of the puzzle (Part 1)

08.08.2011 14:50

As much as I would like to believe the story, I couldn’t help but notice that there are certain aspects of this drama that don’t necessarily add up. Here are just a few questions that we should probably ask before any of us could make an intelligent decision about the situation of Ion Matache & family:
- At the time when John wrote this article, was Ion Matache in possession of any legal paperwork (lease agreement, land or property purchase certificate) that can prove his ownership status on Calea Grivitei 60-62?

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Missing pieces of the puzzle (Part 2)

08.08.2011 16:56

- If Ion Matache is in fact legally entitled to live on the premises, does he currently pay rent or property tax to the State? Does he pay for any utilities (gas, electricity, running water)? After all, nothing is for free, especially a piece of property in one of the best areas of the capital of a European Union country member.

- Furthermore, if he is the holder of legal title and he is a lawful occupant of a property on that land, how is it possible for a human being to live in such distressed conditions for years (no bathroom, no toilet per the document form “Libertatea” that was attached with the petition) and not do something about it?

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IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Missing pieces of the puzzle (Part 3)

08.08.2011 16:57

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, what does the fact that he is a holder of “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” have to do with anything?

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, and if he cannot afford to buy a property of any kind due to the fact that he is unemployed and he has numerous health problems, why did he TURN DOWN Gigi Becali’s (one of the wealthiest businessman in Romania) offer for a FREE (per excerpt from “Libertatea” attached), brand new house for him and his family, back on 2007, after the tragic accident on Grivitei 60-62?

- Not to change the subject here, but it seems that there have been instances in the past (just google the address) where the local police arrested gypsies who were illegally living at the infamous Grivitei 60=62 for drugs possession, prostitution and disorderly conduct, which clearly discredits the credibility of the very people who want to send a petition to the Romanian government asking to legalize their otherwise illegitimate stay on the premises.

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This posting has been hidden because it breaches the Indymedia UK (IMC UK) Editorial Guidelines.

IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

Missing pieces of the puzzle (Conclusion)

08.08.2011 16:58

To summarize, the above points strongly indicates that Ion Matache’s condition vividly portrayed in John X’s petition, only show a rather incomplete and inaccurate status of the situation.

With all due respect, to reach a beneficial result for all the parts involved in the conflict, maybe Ion Matache and the other 60 illegal occupants of the Grivitei 62 premises should have accepted Gigi Becali’s offer for a FREE accommodation for them and their families and let the lawful owner of the property tear down all the remaining ruins, decontaminate the place and build something that the famous city of Bucharest and its citizens will be proud of.

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Missing pieces of the puzzle

09.08.2011 04:44

As much as I would like to believe the story, I couldn’t help but notice that there are certain aspects of this drama that don’t necessarily add up. Here are just a few questions that we should probably ask before any of us could make an intelligent decision about the situation of Ion Matache & family:

- At the time when John wrote this article, was Ion Matache in possession of any legal paperwork (lease agreement, land or property purchase certificate) that can prove his ownership status on Calea Grivitei 60-62?

- If Ion Matache is in fact legally entitled to live on the premises, does he currently pay rent or property tax to the State? Does he pay for any utilities (gas, electricity, running water)? After all, nothing is for free, especially a piece of property in one of the best areas of the capital of a European Union country member.

- Furthermore, if he is the holder of legal title and he is a lawful occupant of a property on that land, how is it possible for a human being to live in such distressed conditions for years (no bathroom, no toilet per the document form “Libertatea” that was attached with the petition) and not do something about it?

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, what does the fact that he is a holder of “Diploma of Honour in the Revolution of December 1989” have to do with anything?

- If Ion Matache is not legally entitled to live on the premises, and if he cannot afford to buy a property of any kind due to the fact that he is unemployed and he has numerous health problems, why did he TURN DOWN Gigi Becali’s (one of the wealthiest businessman in Romania) offer for a FREE (per excerpt from “Libertatea” attached), brand new house for him and his family, back on 2007, after the tragic accident on Grivitei 60-62?

- Not to change the subject here, but it seems that there have been instances in the past (just google the address) where the local police arrested gypsies who were illegally living at the infamous Grivitei 60=62 for drugs possession, prostitution and disorderly conduct, which clearly discredits the credibility of the very people who want to send a petition to the Romanian government asking to legalize their otherwise illegitimate stay on the premises.

To summarize, the above points strongly indicates that Ion Matache’s condition vividly portrayed in John X’s petition, only show a rather incomplete and inaccurate status of the situation.With all due respect, to reach a beneficial result for all the parts involved in the conflict, maybe Ion Matache and the other 60 illegal occupants of the Grivitei 62 premises should have accepted Gigi Becali’s offer for a FREE accommodation for them and their families and let the lawful owner of the property tear down all the remaining ruins, decontaminate the place and build something that the famous city of Bucharest and its citizens will be proud of.

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