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Madrid Junta bans protests

vast minority | 18.05.2011 17:22

BREAKING NEWS: The authorities in Madrid have banned the mass pro-democracy protests in la Puerta del Sol.

Clearly frightened of the surge of people power witnessed over the last couple of days, the local Junta has declared the gathering illegal.

The aim tonight will presumably to frighten off casual protesters and then use the police to attack anyone who dares defy the ruling.

Once again, the facade of western neoliberal 'freedom' is exposed as a lie. When the capitalist system feels under threat it will always resort to its monopoly of violence, even against specifically non-violent dissenters.

The hypocrisy of condemning the regimes in Libya and Syria for behaving in exactly the same way is simply staggering.

The Vast Minority urges our fellow freedom-fighters in Madrid to resist for all they are worth - tonight and every night.

vast minority
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Your arse indeed.

19.05.2011 14:12

Yes but you are aware that in both Syria and Libya that there is armed resistance? So yes im sure if the protesters in the square were to start attacking government buildings or shooting cops that they would open fire in return.

Not armed.