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Timetable for Beyond Borders event

no one is illegal | 18.05.2011 10:55


Here is the timetable for the Beyond Borders event at Easton Community Centre on 21st May.

Please drop us an email to tell us you are coming. Thanks

bristol no borders (at)

11.30 Tea and coffee,

12.00 Welcome and Introduction to the day, what people want to get out of the day.

12.30-12.45 Panel each speaker 5 minutes on what they see as some of the key themes in migration politics in 2011. (e.g. recent events, campaigns, trends, locally, nationally or internationally)

12.45- 1.15 facilitated discussion

1.15 – 2.00 Ann Singleton- The Changing meaning of Borders in the EU

2.00- 2.30 Lovely Lunch

2.30 – 3.15 Bridget Anderson, Why No Borders,

3.15 – 4.00 Clara Osagiede Migrant Workers Struggle

4.00- 4.15 Break with cake

4.15 – 4.45 Discussion groups- where do we go from here, practical implications etc.

4.45 – 5.30 Plenary, feedback, future plans thanks and good bye

Don't forget evening benefit gig at The Plough later on!


Easton Community Centre
Kilburn Street, Easton, Bristol, BS5 6AW
phone: 0117 954 1409
nearest station Stapleton Road, or Bristol Temple Meads.

no one is illegal
- Original article on IMC Bristol: