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The Animal Rights Zone Tom Regan Week.

Animal Rights Zone | 16.05.2011 12:11 | Animal Liberation | Education | Social Struggles

A week-long series of events have been organised (16 May - 21 May) to mark The ARZone Tom Regan Week, including the release of rare and exclusive questions and answers with the scholar/activist, a full transcript, and an ARZone member’s “workshop.”

Preeminent animal rights philosopher Professor Tom Regan is the award-winning author of more than 20 books, including The Case for Animal Rights (1983), Defending Animal Rights (2001) and Empty Cages: Facing the Challenge of Animal Rights (2004). He has been described as “the philosophical leader of the animal rights movement” by the editors of Utne Reader (October, 2010) , who named him, along with the Dali Lama, as “one of fifty visionaries who are changing the world” [1] and is co-founder (with his partner Nancy) of the Culture and Animals Foundation.[2]

A week-long series of events have been organised (16 May - 21 May) to mark The ARZone Tom Regan Week, including the release of rare and exclusive questions and answers with the scholar/activist; a full transcript of Tom Regan’s interview conducted by ARZone; and culminating in an ARZone member’s “workshop” dedicated to a discussion of Prof. Regan’s body of work and his ARZone Q&As.

ARZone founder, Carolyn Bailey says: “This is a particularly important series of events for us at Animal Rights Zone. Prof. Regan is a very important person within the animal rights movement, not least because he provided the basic philosophical groundwork for what he calls the rights-based view approach aimed at abolishing the use of nonhuman animals.”

ARZone administrator Dr. Roger Yates says: “The importance of Tom Regan’s work in the history of the development of animal rights philosophy cannot be overstated. We are extremely happy that he has granted us a rare interview because it is important that his work is seen and appreciated by another generation of animal advocates.”



Animal Rights Zone


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Tom Regan Week

17.05.2011 08:25

This is a great thing that ARZone are doing. Tom Regan is the most significant person to ever speak about animal rights from a true rights based perspective. I had heard he wasn't giving interviews any more, this really is a very important interview, for many reasons.

Thank you for bringing Professor Regan's work to the public once again!

Brooke Cameron
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