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Victory against Office Angels

Bristol Solidarity Federation | 16.05.2011 10:55

Solidarity works! Bristol Solidarity Federation have recently arranged a picket against Office Angels, part of a national week of action against the agency for failure to pay two day wages to a London temp, Dan. Due to the increasing level of direct action against this company, the agency have had a change of heart and have now agreed that Dan will be payed in full for the work he did.

Bristol Solidarity Federation have recently arranged a picket against Office Angels, part of a national week of action against the agency for failure to pay two day wages to a London temp, Dan. Due to the increasing level of direct action against this company, the agency have had a change of heart and have now agreed that Dan will be payed in full for the work he did.The last week saw pickets across London, in Reading, Oxford, Brighton, Liverpool, Newcastle and Manchester.

This is no small victory, it has only come about, through the willingness of working-class people to stand together and show solidarity with one another. As the global crisis continues we will need to continue to use our collective strength to block attacks on our living standards.

Full article.

| Victory against Office Angels | Police guard Office Angels during picket | Bristol SF action against Office Angels | Bristol: Police guard Office Angels Branch during picket (

Bristol Solidarity Federation
- Original article on IMC Bristol: