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B R E A K I N G - N E W S: Israeli troops open fire on protesters at Nakba protest

15.05.2011 16:04 | Palestine | Repression | Social Struggles

At least 9 killed and over 100 injured.

Newswire: Israeli troops murder 9 protesters at Naqba border demonstrations |


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16.05.2011 10:17

Syria: Seven killed in Talkalakh in security crackdown

At least seven people were killed in Talkalakh, western Syria, on Sunday during a crackdown by security forces, activists have said.

They died after "indiscriminate shelling" from the military, the Local Coordination Committees said.

Earlier, a resident told AFP news agency that three protesters were shot dead as they left a mosque in the town.

Hundreds have fled the border town since Friday as authorities try to crush a revolt against the government.

Across Syria, more than 700 people have died in more than two months of protests against President Bashar al-Assad's regime, activists say.

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you're right

16.05.2011 14:34

Assad's doing what Arab dictators tend to do when they're desperate - playing the 'uh-oh look at those Zionists!' card. You're right that the Syrian government has killed far more Syrians that Israel ever has - maybe forty thousand at the Hama massacre, though Fisk says only twenty thousand. But yes, that's the wrong villain, so it's ignored here in the features column.


Re: you're right

16.05.2011 17:06

I see you are deeply concerned about the Syrian people, if you feel that there is a story missing then feel free to write one, after all this is an open publishing website.


Liberate Palestine

16.05.2011 21:51

The genocide of the Palestinian people must END and Palestine must be FREE of the Jewish Zionist occupation!

Free Free Palestine!