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Support grows for Uni of Nottingham whistleblower (Nottingham Indymedia) | 15.05.2011 08:55

There has been growing anger at the University of Nottingham’s attempts to silence Dr Rod Thornton, author of a critical article which exposes the complicity of university management in the wrongful arrests of the ‘Nottingham Two’. A student and a member of staff – Rizwaan Sabir and Hicham Yezza – were arrested as suspected terrorists in May 2008. On Tuesday 10th May, a letter calling for Thornton’s immediate reinstatement, signed by 70 leading academics and scholars from across the world, including Professors Noam Chomsky, Neera Chandhoke, Paul Gilroy and Charles Tripp, was published in the Guardian. On Thursday 12th May, a protest was held on campus.

On the newswire: Nttm 3! Dr.Thornton, Rizwaan Sabir & Hitcham Yezza | Call to reinstate Rod Thornton | The paper Nottingham Uni doesn’t want you to read

Previous features Censorship at University of Nottingham | New light shed on the Nottingham Two | Campaign Victories As Hich And Amdani Are Released On Bail | Hundreds Join Demo for Academic Freedom and Against Deportation | Nottingham Uni Detainee Innocent But Still Facing Deportation | Anger Over “Terror Arrests” at Nottingham University

On Thursday, over 100 students and staff gathered outside the University’s Hallward Library where they both Rizwaan and Hicham spoke to the crowd. Sabir, who continues to be routinely stopped and searched by police 3 years on, said “When we have very serious allegations of misconduct being made against this university management, we have the silencing of the individual that made those allegations. Rather than looking at that report and the research which has taken three meticulous years to produce, we have the management – who are sitting only yards from this location – ordering his suspension with immediate effect.”

He concluded “My advice to the university is give us a public inquiry and we can all go back to our lives.”

Sabir’s speech was interrupted by a security guard with a video camera who attempted to silence him (on health and safety grounds)!

The protesters marched to the Trent Building and stopped to chant outside the Vice-Chancellor’s office. A two minute silence was held finished by a shout of ‘No Justice! No Peace!’.

A campaign has sprung up to support Dr Thornton. They have a number of suggested actions for people wanting to get involved. (Nottingham Indymedia)