UK State Racial Hate Machinery Grinds On
Craig Murray | 14.05.2011 17:20 | Anti-racism | Repression | Terror War
The five young men arrested for daring to be brown-skinned in Cumbria (aka behaving suspiciously near Sellafield nuclear plant) have all been released without charge [1] - and had not, contrary to MSM lies [2], been taking photographs of the plant.
Their arrest was first headline in all the main broadcast media, and tabloid front page. Has the fact that they were completely innocent been reported in the mainstream media with equal prominence, or indeed in any way you might find without deliberately looking? No. “Muslims tried to blow up Sellafield” is now another lie inserted into large areas of the popular psyche, as more grist to the mill for the warmongers and those who make money from conflict.
Which is another reason that the Guardian’s contention that political blogging is dead [3] is nonsense. Bloggers are needed more than ever to counteract the lies of the mainstream media in its cosy and poisonous relationship with the state.
Which is another reason that the Guardian’s contention that political blogging is dead [3] is nonsense. Bloggers are needed more than ever to counteract the lies of the mainstream media in its cosy and poisonous relationship with the state.



Craig Murray
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