Errico Malatesta and Revolutionary Violence by Alfredo M. Bonanno
. | 13.05.2011 12:56 | Social Struggles
325 is pleased to announce the publication of a new Elephant Editions pamphlet by Alfredo M. Bonanno called “Errico Malatesta and Revolutionary Violence”
This PDF is being made available for all comrades and interested people to download at no charge. We actively encourage you to print and distribute these important anarchist theoretical texts which pose a real danger to the established order in their circulation.
“My effort did not, nor does it here, intend to provide arguments supporting revolutionary violence. It just wanted, and still does, to make a contribution to the revolutionary ideas and activity of Errico Malatesta. Many unwarranted things have been said about this anarchist who all too often has been enlisted under the banner of whatever side or even party. Like all true revolutionaries, Malatesta did not bother to sort through his papers, he addressed problems as they occured in reality, always ready to look for evidence in the social conflict rather than in a theoretical syllogism.”
From the Introductory notes by Alfredo M. Bonanno, Trieste, Italy 2008
See too more writings of Alfredo Bonanno:
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