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Billionaires and the poor. Greece and the new civilization.

Pantera tigris | 12.05.2011 01:04

Never give the power to those who seek it.

According to the UN report, 2% of the richest people in the world possess half of the 200 trillion US dollar global wealth. 50% of the poorest people in the world possess about 2% of that wealth. Just over a thousand of the billionaires contain 4.4 trillion dollar and their wealth combined with the world's millionaires is 40 trillion. That means 0.14% of the human population contains that much money. That means about 1 in 1000 people is extremely rich whilst about 30% of the world's people go to sleep very hungry every night.

According to the current economic rules in general those with lots of money can invest it to make more money by lending it with the interest rates to those who have none. Poor have to pay higher taxes and work harder just to support their basic physiological needs and pay their invisible debts. The health care, social security and public services see decrease in available funds. The quality of living worsens for the vast majority only for the sake of higher digits in the bank accounts of the very few wealthiest. The money which they don't use. The wealth which doesn't make them happy - the wealth which can spare humiliation of billions of people.


If people are to open their eyes and change the world there is only one simple solution.

1 Press the governments to resign. Establish new governments made NOT of politicians and wily, insidious and greedy, but scientists and those to whom the power is proposed. Never give the power to those who seek it.

2 The new rules will look something like this: if a rich man has got over certain amount of money in his family, this money will never grow in the bank at interest rates, but it will decrease unless he will invest it or lend it. The profit will be in 90% taxable. If a rich family possesses a large fortune, 80% of it will be confiscated and spent on aid in the poorest regions in the world unless this family is actively investing or spending money in a charitable manner. Interest rates for the loans paid to the crisis stricken country can't be higher than a certain limit, say, 1% or the rate of inflation. Predominantly-confiscate percentage of wealth at exponential rate from people with fortune beginning at 1 million USD. For example people with 1 million: 2 %, 2 million: 2.5%, 100 million: 25%, 50 billion: 95% etc. Fill the budget holes with these money, invest in new technologies and research to stop environmental degradation, put an end to the poverty once and for all - globally.

This is simple. Change the government. Globally. Excite the humanity with the information that IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. Begin building better world for people, animals and environment. Sacrifice 10 million of the richest 'elite' for the happiness of the new civilization, the new harmonious order of things. Let's break the mantle of the rotten dark ages and see the light.

Pantera tigris


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Some Good Points But...

12.05.2011 03:19

The endless poverty and strife the world finds itself in, has been carefully orchestrated... it is a completely contrived state of crisis that is easily avoidable.

In the first place, it has less to do with who has the most money and more to do with who owns the banking system and what type of person they decide to favour in society.

It is also about who controls the land and the political levers of power. You cannot free the people without first liberating the land. Those without access to land are forced into wage slavery in a system controlled by the wealthy and powerful.

John D. Rockerfella said something to the effect that he would prefer to own nothing but control everything. His family are now more involved in political and educational foundations that he set up before he died.

Money is just an instrument of control. The Global Banking System is owned and controlled by a few families such as the Rockerfellas, Rothschilds, Schiffs, etc. They control how much money is in circulation, interest rates, etc, etc. Money [Credit] is created out of thin air... and lent to governments, corporations and individuals.

By flooding the market place with money [fiat currency] and manipulating interest rates, these people [sic] can create inflation, deflation, stagflation and so on and so forth. They can destroy a government or country any time they want. They can destroy the value of your savings and the value of your property. This is how they rob people.

Only a very small percentage of people control the vast majority of the land. The rest of us are forced into towns and cities to live in litttle boxes and high rise blocks. They treat us the same way a farmer treats his animals.

The Banking System MUST BE a PUBLIC SERVICE that does not charge interest rates and only circulates enough money to keep the economy stable, not a PRIVATE BUSINESS that is only concerned with the interests of it's owners and shareholders.

Until people get their heads round these two things, everything else is purely academic. We cannot negotiate from a position of weakness.

There will always be those who will sell out to the ruling classes such as the politicians and police for their own narrow-minded and selfish interests.

